Title, content |  |
Growing improved source material of potatoes in primary seeding nurseries under irrigation in southern Ukraine |  |
Лавриненко Ю. О., Балашова Г. С. |
Variability of breeding traits and selection of sunflower hybrids after of the applying of herbicide euro lightning |  |
Сатаров О. З., Кириченко В. В. |
Nifestation of the degree of dominanse of quantitative traits in F1 hybrids watermelon |  |
Сергієнко О. В. |
Description of the weight 1000 seeds in the F1 winter bred wheat, created with the participation of cultivars with wheat-rye translocations |  |
Бакуменко О. М., Власенко В. А., Ємець О. М. |
Resistance of the winter bread wheat of first generation hybrids to oidium under the conditions of north-east forest - steppe of Ukraine |  |
Осьмачко О. М., Власенко В. А., Деменко В. М. |
The effect of strawberries varieties on quality of processed products |  |
Осокіна Н. М., Заморська І. Л. |
Ecological plasticity and stability of maize hybrids depending on their genetic system of the controlled reproduction |  |
Осокіна Н. М., Заморська І. Л. |
Nematode-resistance varieties and realizing their genetic potential in the northern forest-steppe Ukraine |  |
Кожушко Н. С., Сахошко М. М., Савченко П. В. |
Features use microbial preparations for breeding variety potato Anatan |  |
Подгаєцький А. А., Горбась С. М., Крючко Л. В., Козар С. Ф., Дімова С. Б. |
Germination seed potatoes under the influence of hybrids gamma radiation |  |
Подгаєцький А. А., Кравченко Н. В., Падалка Ю. М. |
Features and application forms for growing number of iron in vitro blackberries and raspberries |  |
Мацкевич В. В., Подгаєцький А. А. |
Comparative evaluation of productivity of corn hybrids on farm "Druzhba-Nova" Varva district, Chernihiv region |  |
Давиденко Г. А. |
The juvenile resistance of wheat-alien hybrids to root rot pathogens. Report I. Reaction To Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem |  |
Січняк О. Л., Мірось С. Л., Захаров А. В. |
The juvenile resistance of wheat-alien hybrids to root rot pathogens. Report IІ. Reaction to Fusarium graminearum Schwabe |  |
Січняк О. Л., Мірось С. Л., Жовтоног А. Ю. |
Estimation of original material in Festuca pratensis huds. (Fescue) breeding |  |
Кабанець В. М., Семененко Я. Ю. |
Obtaining wheat somaclonal variants in vitro with increased systemic acquired resistance |  |
Волощук С. І. |
Distribution of dimensional quantities in young generation cohorts of forest foming species as indicator of stress suppression of plants |  |
Скляр В. Г. |
Characteristics of growth of rare plant species |  |
Клименко Г. О., Скляр В. Г. |
Vitality structure of populations of asarum europaeum in ukrainian left bank Polissya and the impact of leading environmental factors on it |  |
Скляр Ю. Л., Скляр М. Ю. |
|  |
Kovalenko I. M. |
Nematodes - parasites potatoes |  |
Ємець О. М., Деменко В. М. |
Dynamic reflecting the number of sunflower pests of north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine |  |
Деменко В. М., Власенко В. А., Ємець О. М., Говорун О. Л., Хілько Н. В. |
Fungal pathogenic complex of berries in Polissya |  |
Рожкова Т. О., Татаринова В. І., Бурдуланюк А. О. |
Spotted spring barley under Sumy region |  |
Бурдуланюк А. О., Рожкова Т. О., Татаринова В. І., Гулий А. |
Resistance of maize hybrids to smut disease |  |
Татаринова В. І., Рожкова Т.О, Бурдуланюк А.О., Василина М.І. |
Influence alternaria black point at content protein and gluten in the kernel of winter wheat |  |
Карпенко К. О., Власенко В. А., Рожкова Т. О. |
Redox characteristics of corn seedlings vegetative organs next generation after herbicide treatment |  |
Россихіна-Галича Г. С., Лихолат Ю. В., Яценко О. А. |
The influence of after crop siderate of oil radish and cultivation on the permeability of soil |  |
Міщенко Ю. Г. |
Chemical amelioration of acid soils of Vinnytsia region |  |
Яцук І. П., Матусевич Г. Д., Ліщук А. М., Городиська І. М., Драга М. В., Зацарінна Ю. О. |
Influence of fertilization and liming after-effect on soybean productivity |  |
Польовий В. М., Кулик С. М. |
Functional diagnosis as a tool for mineral nutrition of plants |  |
Сенченко Н. К. |
Dependence of coefficient recovery active substance of fertilizer of reed canary grass of fertilization and their content in drained peat soils |  |
Харченко О. В., Петренко Ю. М. |
Field germination and persistence of soybean plants in different variants of phytocenotic tension |  |
Шевніков М. Я., Міленко О. Г. |
Productivity and energy efficiency of soybean in Forest-steppe right-bank conditions |  |
Заболотний Г. М., Циганський В. І., Циганська О. І. |
Dynamics of leaf area coriander sowing depending on the item technologies |  |
Жовтун М. В. |
Aerobiological receptions tilling soay |  |
Нідзельський В. А. |
Optimisation of growing technology elements of safflower in the terms of western Forest-steppes |  |
Хоміна В. Я., Тарасюк В. А. |
Dependence of period of post-harvest maturation of grains of winter wheat on sowing terms and predecessors |  |
Дубовик Д. Ю. |
Influence of complex nitrogen fertilizers and bacterial preparations on the sobeans yield capacity under the conditions of Left-bank Forest-steppe Ukraine |  |
Мельник А. В., Романько Ю. О. |
The effect of growth regulators on mustard productivity under conditions of the north-eastern Steppes of Ukraine |  |
Мельник А. В., Куцегуб Г. О., Жердецька С. В., Шахід Алі |
Reaction of hulled and naked oat cultivars on seeding rate |  |
Троценко В. І., Ільченко В. О. |
Productivity of dependence of sort peculiarity by different fertilize |  |
Радченко М. В. |
The detailed abstract the efficiency of the onion bacterization with the preparation ABT of the various modifications |  |
Нестеренко В. М., Козар С. Ф., Євтушенко Т. А., Куц О. В. |
Formation features of the generative potential of sunflower plants |  |
Троценко В. І., Жатова Г. О, Жатов О. Г. |
The influence of bacterial preparations on parameters of seed’s productivity of sunflower plants |  |
Пшиченко О. І. |
The peculiarities of potential realization of plants in soybean crop |  |
Троценко В. І., Глупак З. І. |
Formation of some elements of productivity of soft spring wheat depending on mineral nutrition and plant protection systems |  |
Судденко В. Ю., Каленська С. М. |
Features of autumn winter rape vegetation in north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine |  |
Тютюнник В. А. |
Productuvity of sugar sorghum in mixed crops for production of biofuel |  |
Сторожик Л. І., Будовський М. Д. |
Peculiarities of vegetative propagation of thuja occidentalis l. in the north-eastern part of ukrainian forest-steppe |  |
Токмань В. С. |
Morphology of the growth of callistephus chinensis in terms of the northeastern Steppes of Ukraine |  |
Сурган О. В. |
State street planting of central part of the city of Sumy |  |
Мельник Т. І. |
Features of english oak regeneration depending on forest stands thinning degree in in the fresh maple-linden oak forasts out of the northeastern part of the left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine |  |
Чигринець В. П., Ігнатенко В. А. |
Productivity of meadow clover varieties depending on the method of cultivation and fertilization |  |
Коваленко В. П. |
Assessment of regulatory action of biologically active substances on the seed production of plants of lettuce’s variety Triumph |  |
Корнієнко С. І., Кондратенко С. І., Крутько Р. В., Дульнєв П. Г., Ткалич Ю. В., Позняк О. В. |