Content |
Logistical bases of sustainable development of region |
Mishenin E.V., Koblianska I.I. |
The development of emotional intelligence of modern management as a condition for their successful operation |
Dubovik S., Drabchuk T. |
Development planning systems in different economic systems |
Guzhvenko S.M. |
Land as real estate listings |
Kovtun О. |
Theoretical approaches to the definition of «development», « economic development», «economic growth» |
Kryuchkova M. |
The determinants of vulnerability of food security |
Volchenko N. V. |
Mechanism of formation and operation vertically integrated business in agricultural and food sector Ukraine |
Nicenko V.S. |
Social-bioeconomy as a model for policy development of the national economy |
Baydala V., Butenko V. |
Status and perspective directions of development of personal peasant farms |
Saharnatska L. |
The development of rent relations under conditions of transformation of agricultural land use in Poltava region |
Dobryak D., Kolesnyk G. |
Problems creating territorial systems automated monitoring of agriculture |
Viunenko A.B. |
Approaches to the forming strategy of development organic production in AIC |
Stovolos N.B. |
Current situation and prospects in the world pig industry |
Zaharchenko O. |
Analysis of the world of the organic products market |
Maslak O.M. |
The algorithm of definitions and overcome the crisis at enterprise |
Pletneva Y., Akhnovskaya I. |
Features of enterprises planning under uncertainty |
Vyganyaylo S.M. |
The assessment of structure and effectiveness of equity of the agricultural enterprises |
Kalashnikov O.N. |
Activities of small enterprises in the diversification |
Polyatukina L.I. |
Consumer marketing management as a subject of companies: model behavior |
Perebiynis V., Trayno V. |
Factor in shaping competitiveness of agribusiness companies and marketing component |
Galinskа A. |
Scientific approaches to the essence of the concept "demand" |
Puriha I. |
Estimation of competitiveness of agrarian sector of Sumy area |
Malyutina A. |
Analysis competitiveness SE "Lebedynska forestry" |
Ksenofontova M.N., Karpenko Y.I. |
Strategic management competitiveness of farms |
Mishenina N., Hovorushenko R. |
International labor migration: ukrainian aspect |
Gorbachevа I.V. |
The transformation of customs and tariff regulation in the context of customs alliances functionning |
Novikova KI, Turyk A.I. |
Features of innovation under international economic integration |
Turchina S. |
Foreign economic activity of Ukraine’s regions enterprises in the condition of growing of external and internal instability |
Dashutina L. |
Development potential of global agricultural production in the context of globalization |
Yurchenko O. |
Forming of innovative-investment principles of solid wastes management in the region |
Samojlik M.S. |
Rationale for selection of indicators assessments of innovation industrial enterprises |
Senichkinа O. |
Development of the innovation in regional agricultural-industrial complex |
Smolyarov Y.G. |
Management innovative charges on principles of controlling |
Selivanova N.N. |
Features of the internal audit of food security in the region of economic system state |
Morozyuk N. |
Problems of management accounting agricultural enterprises |
Naida A. |
Place and role of land resources in energy security strategy |
Dankevych V.Y. |
Rationale for the development of social and labor relations at the enterprise |
Doronina M., Sasina L., Statyvka O. |
Аerosafety rural territories in the context of globalization : the state, the essence of the concepts and possible negative social and economic consequences |
Zalizko V.D. |
Necessary assessment land resources management |
Makarova O. |
Estimation of influence contaminated areas on the financial results of forestry enterprises |
Zamula H. |
Economic valuation methods remediation of soils contaminated with pesticides |
Moklyachuk T.A. |
Organizational and institutional framework for the adaptation of legislative and normative documents of Ukraine to the EU environmental law |
Strochenko N.I. |
The problems and perspectives of the waste management regional system formation: cluster approach |
Kryvenko S. |
Improving the state of land administration region |
Golovin Ar. А. |