Content |
Organization and the main lines of the selection and pedigree of dairy breeding Sumy region |
Ladyka V. I., Khmelnichy L. M., Salogub A. N. |
About connection of birthweight with productivity in suckling cattle breeding |
Velychko S.A. |
Reproductive ability of cows of ukrainian black-pied suckling breed |
Bolhova N. V. |
Exterior types of diary cows: methods of assessment and classification |
Goncharenko I.V., Vinnichuk D.T. |
Historical aspects, situationand prospects of aquaculture activities in inland lakes of Ukraine |
Gritsinyak I.I., Tretiak O.M., Kolos O.M. |
Features growth intensity replacement chicks in different variants tribal selection |
Hnatiuk S.I., Kovalenko V.I., Hnatiuk M.A. |
Еffect ofgenotypeandparatypical factors onthe characterof lactationcurveof cows |
Denisyuk O. |
Dairy efficiency and reproductive ability of cows of different lines of the ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed |
Didkovsky A.N., Omelkovych S.P., Kobernyuk V.V. |
Interior features of young pigs of different genotypes |
Izhboldina E. |
Economic-biological features cows central zone type of the ukrainian red dairy breed |
Karlova L.V. |
Comparative analysis of the formation of the main exterior signs in chickens of different types of productivity |
Katerinich O.O. |
Economic-useful features cows ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed |
Kovalchuk V.I. |
Performance and forecast values plemennoyї bulls-improvers |
Kruglyak T.О. |
Horses choice for nontraditional spheres of using taking into account type of the highest nervous activity |
Lutsenko M. V., Petrushko N. P. |
Growth purebred and local pigs with different duration of embryonic development |
Matsenko M.I. |
Morphological and biochemical indices blood bright askaniyskoy tonkorunnoj breeds different line of origin |
Nezhlukchenko N.V. |
Comparative histological analysis kozhy structure and properties adaptatsyon cow aberdeen-angus and ukrainian angus meat breeds |
Prudnikov V.G., Roy Y. C. |
Economic assessment phenotypic changes in the herd ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed |
Rudick I.A., Stavetska R.V. |
Production of quality cattle breed Lebedynska for this stage of selection |
Boyko Y.N. |
Meat efficiency bulls of aberdin-angus breed |
Torbenko S.V. |
The effect of genotype paratypic factors for signs of milk production of cows of different breeds |
Hmelnychy L.M., Salogub A.N., Vechorka V.V. Gavriliouk O.I. |
Herd improvement on breeding red-and-white cow breed research according to the period of household on indicators productivity |
Khmelnychy L. M., Loboda V. P. |
Result the economic use of golstin cows of different types of stressresistant |
Chernenko O. |
Exterior assessment of cows of the accrued sumy into a pedigree type of the ukrainian black-and-white breed |
Shevchenko A.P., Khmelnychy S.L. |
Live weight’s dynamics of cows in different lines such as ukrainian carpathian interbreed red- spotted milk species during their growing |
Ilnytska O. Y., Fedorovych E. I., Novak I. V. |
The position and possibilityof development of goat in sumy region |
Ladyka L.M. Opara V.O. Kyselov O.B. |
Indices of protein metabolism in the blood of lambs under the application of amino acids lysine, methionine and sulphur in their diet |
Druzhyna O. S., Havrylyak V. V.,Stapay P. V., Sydir N. P. |
Formation productive qualities landed (c x ak) f1 fledglings sheep on diets of different structures |
Kitaevа A.P. |
Grain homogenized suspension in the diets of dairy cows |
Lysenko V.F. |
Effect of different feed additives content palm fat on liver lipid composition hens |
Orischuk O.S., Tsap S.V., Mykytyuk V.V. |
Growth rates comparison of the paddlefish (Polyodon spathula, Walbaum, 1792) at the feeding by the live water flea and artificial fodders |
Tarasenko A.A., Gnoyevyy I.V. |
Effect of forage quality on the balance of minerals in sows |
Tkachuk V.I. |
Technology rationale use of pastures for grazing cows on Polessye of Ukraine |
Borshchenko V. |
Digestibility of nutrients in broiler chickens at different levels of lysine in fodder |
Ibatullin I.I., Il'chuk I.I., Krivenok M.J. |
Functional milk product will improve the health of consumers |
Kitchenko L.M. |
Productivity and meat qualities of pigs when used in mixed fodders mixture enzyme preparations |
Lavrentiev A.Y. |
Technology for growing calves milk period |
Pidpala T.V., Hrebeniuk N.V. |
Impact of technological and design features of preparation and distribution of feed in groups on themain indicators microclimate in group farrowing old piglets from one to three months |
Sikun M. V. |
Safety technology and health in the production and processing animal products |
Kamenska I. С. |
Assessment process qualities of specialized cows milk breeds |
Marykina O.S. |
Security quality of milk and dairy products in their implementation at the natural market |
Yuhno V.M. |
Preservation of fertility of boar semen using different extenders |
Platonovа N., Bodryashova E. |
Influence of sanitation of the stallions cavity preputsialny and sperm on mares artificial insemination efficiency |
Tkachеv А. V. |
Monitoring of genetic polymorphism of horse populations by ISSR-markers using |
Suprun I.A. Kurylenko Y.F. |
Features of ergonomic and ethological evaluation of process of manure removal and introduction of litter |
Shabliа V.P. |
Use of additives plant origin range expansion meat preparations |
Goncharov G.I., Strashynskyy I.M., Basistа M.V., Fursik O.P., Kolomyjec R.A. |
Effect boar-sires on process reproduction in a herd of pigs |
Bodryashova K., Birukova O., Macovska N., Basovskiy D. |
Stimulation of queen-bees egg production by biologically active substances |
Vedmed I.V., Sheremeta V.I., Kaplunenko V.G. |
Stimulion of follicle ovulation on ovaries of cows “Nanovulin” |
Gruntkovsky M.S. |
Quality control of bulls sexed semen |
Pelykh U.S. |
Population genetic structure sturgeon (Acipenserruthenus) for microsatellite DNA markers |
Malyshev A.A., Spiridonov V.G., Melnychuk S.D. |
Evaluation viability dekonservovanyh oocyte-cumulus complexes pigs different age groups |
Galician T.V., Trotsky P.A. |