Content |
State of intestinal microbiocenosis of piglets at колиентеротоксемии and methods of his correction |
Лівощенко Л. П., Камбур М. Д., Лівощенко Є. М. |
Studying of the biocompatibility of hemostatic sponges with stem cells of bone marrow of rabbits during in vitro cultivation |
Мазуркевич А. Й., Малюк М. О., Ткаченко С. М., Харкевич Ю. О. |
The protein composition of the blood serum quail under the influence of different levels of amino acids and vitamin E in the diet |
Стовбецька Л. С. |
Pathophysiological changes in functional activity of adaptive systems in newborn calves ribilding-period under the influence of hypoxia |
Замазій А. А. |
Getting the adhezyve fraction of mononuclear bone marrow cells line of mice C 57BL/6 in different conditions of primary material and cultivations in RPMI media |
Мазуркевич А. Й., Кладницька Л. В., Ковпак В. В. |
Pathophysiological changes of hematological indices calf blood under the influence hypoxia |
Замазій А. А., Камбур М. Д., Кассіч В. Ю., Коваленко Л. М. |
Platelet hemostasis cows during the second period of pregnancy |
Замазій А. А., Лісовенко В. М. |
Dynamics of functional performance assurance system of animals оxygenic |
Замазій А. А. |
Epizootic situation of infectious diseases of bees in the Northeast region Ukraine |
Бойко Т. В. |
Identification of animals - deposit improvement of epizootic situation in Ukraine |
Гладченко С. М., Касяненко О. І. |
Determination of phenol coefficient and protein index disinfectant Bides |
Шкромада О. І. |
Integrating veterinary control Ukraine to risk-based approach to international trade under WTO and EU requirements |
Єфімова О. М. |
Sources of highly hazardous pesticides to bee products |
Скрипка Г. А. |
Monitoring and control of hazards in feed and dairy products, as well as risk assessment peschevoy tseti "from farm to fork" |
Марченко А. М. |
Evaluation of quality fish sold on agricultural markets Sumy |
Петров Р. В. |
Environmentally safe technology "Article" for protection of chickens hatching eggs from pathogenic microflora |
Бордунова О. Г. |
Monitoring of the chemical condition of the Dnieper river basin on the territory of Sumy region |
Петров Р. В., Назаренко С. М. |
Fatty acids in the production of honeybees depending on the environmental conditions |
Ковальчук І. І., Рівіс Й. Ф., Федорук Р. С. |
Performance study of microelements phosphate dehydrogenase on the vital processes of antheraea pernyi |
Трокоз В. О. |
Characteristic of embryonic development, output and hatchability of young quail eggs in incubation processing solution akvahelata selenium |
Ніщеменко М. П., Ємельяненко А. А., Стовбецька Л. С. |
Kaliihydrogenperoxоmonosulphateas substance disinfectantsagainst mycobacteria |
Головко В. О., Кочмарський В. А., Хомутовська С. О., Бондарчук А. О., Блажеєвський М. Є. |
Sytiuk M. P. |
Microbial landscape festering wounds in dogs |
Глебенюк В. В. |
The number of somatic cells in the milk of cows and goats |
Зажарська Н. М. |
Age aspects of clinical and morphological manifestations of chlamydia pigs |
Скрипка М. В., Заріцька А. О., Ковшар О. В. |
Epizootologic features swine respiratory infections of bacterial etiology |
Омельченко Г. О. |
Efficient use of specific funds control system associated bacteriosis hoof cattle |
Улько Л. Г., Фотіна Т. І. |
Development of the PCR test system for indicating Сhlamydia felis in biological samples of domestic cats |
Ксьонз І. М., Цівенко Т. М., Почерняєв К. Ф., Корінний С. М. |
Features of clinical and morphological manifestations of viral hepatitis dogs |
Дмитренко Н. І., Мізін А. В. |
Pathogenetic aspects and features of clinico-morphological manifestations kolіenterotoхemіi |
Запека І. Є. |
Рroblems of мodern epizootology |
Кассіч В.Ю., Камбур М. Д., Фотін А. І., Ребенко Г. І., Байдевлятов Ю. А., Волосянко О. В., Ушкалов В. О., Атмась В. Я., Фотін О. В. |
Etiology and epidemiology of respiratory infectious diseases of pigs (overview) |
Ребенко Г. І. |
Comparative characteristics of sausage stuffing using microstructural analysis |
Старосельська А. Л. |
The residual content of ceftiofur hydrochloride after introduction of the drug ceftioklin |
Левченко А. Г. |
Epizootic situation is in relation to ezophagostomosis of pigs in economies of Poltava area |
Манойло Ю. Б. |
Results strains probiotics in the establishment of a new drug for correction secondary immunodeficiency animals |
Завірюха Г. А., Васильєва Т. Б. |
Determination of antimicrobial activity of the drug "Biotsydin" |
Шкромада О. І., Долбаносова Р. В. |
Proteinogenic production strains fo the prepapation of mammals PPD-tuberculin |
Кассіч В. Ю., Камбур М. Д., Ушкалов В. О., Замазій А. А., Волосянко О. В. |
Research of level of accumulation of bacterial mass of test cultures of microorganisms on environments from gidrolizatov of marine aquatic lives |
Колеснікова К. Ю., Пінчук Н. Г. |
Listeriosis. Epizotological and epidemiological situation in EU |
Мачуський О. В., Ковтун В. А. |
Treatment of a chronic haematuria of cattle |
Абдуллаев М. Т. |
Efficiency of using trykolinu for the prevention of bacterial poultry infections |
Олефір І. А. |
Impact of vaccination for control of swine respiratory diseases to the pork production |
Айшпур О. Є., Павлов Є. Г., Сапон Н. В., Ничик С. А. |
Epizootic features nematodosis of pigs in the Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine |
Євстаф’єва В. О. |
Effecacy of the terapeutical prodcuts durign malofagosis in chicken |
Кисельова Л. Ю. |
Diagnostics and treatment at blackhead of turkey-cocks in farmland economies |
Панасенко О. С., Рисований В. І., Негреба Ю. В. |
Mixed invasion at geese in Azerbaijan |
Агаева З. Т. |
The therapeutic efficacy of a new drug in terms of spontaneous invasion eymerioznoy chickens |
Маршалкіна Т. В., Заiкіна Г. В., Біла Н. В., Євтушенко А. В. |
Improvement of complex veterinary sanіtarnyh activities under "Agricultural holding "Avangard" |
Нагорна Л. В., Ястремський С. М. |
Effects of preimago degelmintization on growth and development of lambs |
Рустамова С. И. |
Application of plant and tissue immunostimulants of depending in needs of bee-productive season |
Кистерна О. С., Мусієнко О. В. |
Determination of residual quantities of active drug “Avesstym” substance in serum, meat and organs of poultry |
Бушуєва І. В., Фотіна Г. А., Панасенко О. І., Книш Є. Г., Березовський А. В. |
Monitoring of feed for cattle and pigs on micromicetes contamination and mycotoxins |
Краєвський А. Й., Куцан О. Т., Краєвський С. А., Лазоренко А. Б. |
Colpocytological method of diagnostic of non fertile dogs |
Давиденко Н. Г. |
Monitoring of mastitis in cows from farms in Lviv and Ternopil regions |
Мурська С. Д. |
Antioxidant system of the organism in the period rabbits watering sodium sulfate, chloride and citrate chromium |
Лесик Я. В., Федорук Р. С., Хомин М. М., Кропивка С. Й. |
Prooxidant–antioxidant system of weaning piglets during use of liposomal product |
Огородник Н. З. |
Intensive care at acute gastroenteritis |
Дідух А. В., Фасоля В. П., Копистко Р. |
Pedagogical aspects of teaching with the use of interactive technologies |
Мусієнко В. М. |