Content |
Dairy farming Ukraine: state and prospects |
Ladyka V.I., Bondarchuk L.V. |
Characteristic repair heifers of ukrainian red-and-white dairy breedondevelopmentoflivingmass |
Khmel'nichiy L.M., Loboda V.P. |
Efficiency of lifetime use of cows of different countries of selection |
Polupan Yu. P. |
Age characteristics of natural resistance of young animals volyn’ meat breed under Lviv region |
Babik N.P., Fedorovych E.I., Hurskyj I.М. |
Analysis of pedigree structure of horses of the sports direction of use |
Bondarenkо O., Ilnytskay T. |
Breeding assessment henofondovyh red steppe breed populations in Southern Ukraine |
Buyuklu G.I., Buyuklu M.I., Pisarenko A.V. |
Development technology of growing of fish in the leased ponds |
Verbelchuk S. P., Verbelchuk T.V., Maksymenko O.G. |
Theoretical and practical approaches to preservation of domestic local breeds of animals |
Vishnevsky L.V. |
Differences in body weight and a gain in growing hybrid pigs |
Voytenko S.L., Gorobetc V.A. |
Selection estimation of orlov trotting mares |
Glushak I. I. |
The geterogennyy selection and his influence on the dairy productivity at animals of interbreed types of the ukrainian red dairy breed |
Gnatyuk S.I., Gnatyuk M.A. |
Productive and reproductive qualities of cows-heifers of different origin |
Kalchuk L.A., Popadiuk T.S. |
The role of aberdeen angus breed in creating meat breedscattle in Ukraine |
Kolesnik A. |
Effectivenessof plant-breeding and tribal work on creation and perfection of the sumy inner breeder type of the ukrainian blackly-pied dairy breed |
Oblyvantsov V. |
Efficiency of the first-borns of ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed, growntion on various technologies in dairy period |
Chumatchenko I.P., Mankovsky A.Y., Koropets L.A., Antoniuc T.A. |
Dependence ofmilkproduction ukrainian black and white dairy cattle from liveweight duringtheir growth |
Kuziv M. I., Fedorovich E. I. |
Comparative characteristics of various methods of sex detection young birds |
Omar Hussein Ali, BondarenkoU.V., Ostapenko V.I. |
Dynamics of live weight and blood biochemical parameters of pigs of different genotypes |
Petrenko M.A. |
Dependence of the suckling productivityand то reproductive ability of cows of the first lactationfrom stress resistance of their fathers |
Pryshed’ko V.M. |
Morphological evaluation the udder ukrainian red dairy cow breed, depending on age at first insemination |
Pronoza O.L. |
Production traits in pigs of modern imported selected genotypes associated with different breeding methods in the environmental conditions of Odesa region |
Susol R.L. |
Honey productivity bees colony and activity invertase of the ukrainian bees |
Taran S.I. |
About early maturation of beef bulls |
Ugnivenko A. |
Feature cows ukrainian red breast and holstein breeds on morpho-functional characteristics of the udder and dairy production |
Chernenko О. |
Dependence of fatback thickness of young pigs on the age they reach live weight of 100 kg |
Shaferivsky B. |
Linear estimation of stud bulls of holstein and ukrainian black-and-whitemilk breeds on the exterior type of their daughters |
Shevchenko A. P., Khmel'nichiy S. L. |
The contents of microelements in the blood of dairy and combined breeds in the western region of Ukraine |
Fedorovych V.V. |
Wool performance and physical and chemical indices of montain carpathian sheep |
Chokan T., Fedorovych E. |
Analysis on henetycheskyh trend the main feature of the breeding ukrainian black-motley dairy cattle |
Bуkadorov P. |
Relationship repair live weight bullocks with the terms of their productive use |
Danets L. |
Influence factors on paratypic biostructures tissues and organs rabbits |
Kotsyubenko A.A. |
Effect of mizhotelnoho period on reproductive performance and ability cows ukrainian brown dairy cattle vnutriporodnoho type and ukrainian black-and-white dairy cattle |
Pryhodko M.F. |
Methods of correction of runnet coagulability of milk and education to clot at production of cheeses |
Маshkin N. I.,Mogutova V. F. |
Peculiarities of the quality of pigs’ carcasses from different breeds which were estimated by method of european system |
Bankovska I.B. |
The use of antioxidants in technology of production of the boiled sausage |
Bogko N.V., Tischenko V.I. |
Historical aspects of development of beer |
Bolhova N. V., Bondarchuk V.N. |
Progressive technology quality food eggs |
Vakulenko J.O. |
The chemical composition and technological properties buffalo’s, cow’s, sheep's milk, and mixtures thereof in the manufacture of cheese cheese |
Guzeeva Y., Goncharenko I. |
Modern technology of the utilization of manure on pig complex |
Ivanov M.Y., Voloshchuk V.M., Ivanov V.O. |
Bactofugation effect on performance quality raw milk for cheese fermented milk |
Kitchenko L.M. |
Estimated amount, quality and value of harvested milk depending on the source of supply and seasonal factors |
Kovalchuk I.V, Baranovska V.A., Selezneva O.A. |
Productive and reproductive qualities fifth lactationholstein cows for intensive technology manual |
Lytvyschenko L., Pishan I. |
Development of meat gerontologic diet products - priority research area |
Peshuk L.V. Haschuk A..I, Moskaliuk O.E., Gagach I.I. |
Effect of cooling method of meat quality of raw materials |
Miroshnyk A.M., Pidpala T.V., Nazarenko I.V. |
The influence of technological peculiarities on fattening rate of pigs |
Povod M. |
Assessment of environmental aspects of processing produktsiyi of livestock |
Strikha L.O., Dulyak D.A. |
Formation of natural food supply of fish ponds and its use by fishes of different types |
Tishchenko V. I., Bogko N. V. |
Use robotic milking machines - benefits and challenges |
Trofimov A.F., Tymoshenko V.М., Music A.A., Moskalev A.A., Kovalevsky I.A., Pesotskii N.I., Kirikovich S.A., Shmatko М.М.
Indicators m'yasnosti pigs depending on stress |
Tserenyuk A.M. |
Factors affecting the quality of meat |
Tsygura V.V. |
Efficiency and convenience of the manure removal process from places of cattle housing |
Shablia V.P., Admin A.E., Zadorozhna I.Y., Osipenko T.L., Chekhichin A.V., Balagurovska N.L. |
Use amaranth flour in january of the meat semis |
Strashynskyy I.M., Goncharov G.I., Kazko I.S., Fursik O.P., Kolomyjec R.A. |
Morphological and functional properties of cattle’s udder of different lines of ukrainian black spotted dairy breed |
Ponko L. P. |