Content |
Growing of the seedlings of european larch by the means of growth stimulators and different methods of stratification of seeds |
V. M. Havrylyuk, M .M. Guz, T. I. Kharachko, R .A. Yaroshchuk |
Viral monitoring of ornamental plants on the southern east of Ukraine |
L. T. Mishchenko, A. A. Dunich |
Problems of introduction of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees in Sumy national agrarian university |
Т. Melnyk, O. Surgan |
Components of damage from the root fungus in ripening and mature pine plantations of Novgorod-Seversk Polyssya |
O.V. Lapitan, V. Y. Zhemchuzhin, T. I. Melnik |
Reproduction of pseudotsuga of menzies by seeds in western steppe of Ukraine |
R. A. Yaroshchuk, A. V. Melnyk |
Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) in sunflower fields i n the eastern part of north steppe of Ukraine |
S. G. Hablak, Y. A. Abdullaeva, A. I. Denisenko |
Features of the vertical distribution and spatial distribution of cyst nematodes |
A.G. Babich, A. A. Babich, S. S. Mironets |
Stem moth in the conditions of North-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
V.M. Demenko, V.A. Vlasenko, A.M. Yemets, V.N. Sarbash, O.L. Govorun, N.V. Hilko |
Evaluation of insecticide efficiency against pear louse Psylla pyri L. in the pre-mounten of the Crimea |
N. M. Stryukova |
PCR diagnosis and identification of sugar beet yellow virus |
I.M. Andrusyk, I.O. Antipov, A.M. Kyrychenko |
Quality of spelled wheat depending on fertilizers |
G.M. Gospodarenko, I.Y. Tkachenko |
The contents and stocks of mobile forms of potassium in the soil after long application of fertilizers in the field rotation |
G. M. Gospodarenko, O. V. Nikitina, I. U.Kryvda |
Efficiency of yellow lupine (Lupinus Luteus L.) cultivation after post-action of application of fermented organic fertilizers in Polyssya of Ukraine |
O. V. Abramovich |
Impact of non-conventional organic fertilizers on changes of agrochemical indicators of sod-podzolic soil in red clover cultivaton |
V. І. Lopushniak, N. P. Zasiekin |
Optimization of soil density in sugar beet cultivation |
Y. H. Mischenko |
Influence of mineral fertilizers on the formation of acid-alcaline state of sod- podzolic soil under different-depth tillage |
O. Turak, T .Berezovska |
Effect of pre-planting application of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers on alfalfa growth in the Right-bank Forest-steppe zone of Ukraine |
V. P. Kovalenko |
Analysis of soil acidity of Sumy region |
V. Martynenko, V. Sakhno, N. Siryak, S. Macay, O. Ponomarenko |
The soil fertility in the Kovel’ district of Volyn REGION |
S. A. Romanova, S. S. Shtan, K. M. Moroz |
Influence of subsoil water level on the cost of additional products and profits from the fertilizer application on the dried peat soils in reed canary grass cultivation |
O. V. Kharchenko, Y. M. Petrenko, O. V. Skrypnyk N. B. Molescha |
Basic conceptual approaches to saving soil fertility at biologisation of farming in Sumy region |
O.V. Kharchenko, Y.H. Mischenko, V.I. Prasol, N.K. Senchenko |
Efficiency of soil-protective technology of cultivation of spring barley in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Sumy region |
G. A. Davydenko, I .M. Masyk |
The yield of hulled oats varieties depending on mineral fertilizers and bacterial pereparation |
V. I. Trocenko, V. O. Ilchenko |
Yield and quality of soybean varieties of early-maturing group in the conditions of North-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
Z. I. Glupak |
Yield formation of kidney bean depending on influence of agrotechnical measures of cultivation in the conditions of Prykarpattya |
O.D. Turak |
Optimization of basic elements of cultivation technology of fennel in the conditions of Prykarpattya of Ukraine |
P. M. Dmytryk |
The results of comparative evaluetion of agricultural and biological characteristics of new strawberries varietes of ukrainian breeding with leading european varietes in Sumy region |
V.V. Filyev |
Growing features of seedlings material of schisandra chinensis with woody stem-cuttings |
V. S.Tokman |
Evaluation of winter wheat varieties by baking properties and grain yield |
V. V. Liubych, I. O. Polyanetska |
Influence of nitrogen nutrition and compound of “avanguard- r grain” on productivity of winter wheat varieties |
A. V. Melnik, Z. Y. Dutchenko, L .T. Gluschenko, M. V. Radchenko |
Influence of predecessors and miniral fertilizers on the quality of sunflower seeds in conditions of the North-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
A.V. Melnik, V.I. Trotsenko, S.O. Govorun |
Effect of hydrothermal processing of buckwheat grain on output and grain quality |
N. V. Radchenko, Z. Y. Dutchenko |
State and prospects of grains cultivation in the world and Ukraine |
А.V. Melnyk, K.V. Bychenko |
Grain quality and yield of white and narrow-leaves lupine depending on bacterial fertilizer and micronutrients |
I. N. Lavrуk, А. G. Zhatov |
Influence of growth substances on seed productivity of alfalfa |
A. O. Butenko, M.G. Sobko |
Optimum sowing terms of winter wheat under conditions of the North-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
V. I. Onychko, V. I.Тrotsenko, T. A.Onychko |
The influence of the sowing norms and ways to accelerate the ripening on the yield of soybean varietie |
V.I. Nagorniy |
Formation of yield capacity structure of sping barley condition of the North-east Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
S.I. Berdin, A.N. Tkachenko |
Productivity and quality of fiber of flax varieties of different ecology-geographical origin depending on sowing rate |
M. I. Loginov, A. V. Litvinenko |
Development of technological system of potato seeds production in the conditions of Dinsi |
Liu Ghunchin, Li Penchen, Meng Fanhua |
Environmental sustainability of productivity elements of spring barley varieties and efficiency of breeding on the bases of hybridization |
O.E. Vazhenina, M.R. Kozachenko, N.I. Vasko, A.G. Naumov |
Spelta: current status and future selection |
F. M. Pariy, I. R. Zabolotna |
Identification of resistance inbred hemp lines with resistence to diseases and pests |
S.V. Mischenko |
Genetic correlation of yield plant varieties and breeding lines of winter wheat and main generative features depending on spring vegetation renewal term |
V. Tishchenko, L. Dryzhenko |
Variation of quality indicators sortobraztsov sdi in irrigation south of Ukraine |
T.Yu.Marchenko |
Dependence OF tying tubers varieties of Institute potato NAAS on external conditions |
A. A Podhaietskyi, V. N. Kovalenko |
Efficiency gains of potato breeding in vitro of resistance to Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium sambucinum |
N.A. Zaharchuk |
Measurement methods of leaf area of potato plants |
P. V. Savchenko, N. S. Kozhushko |
Storage losses of potatoe of SNAU breeding |
N.S. Kozhushko, N.N. Sahoshko, A.I. Kryutchenko |
Prospectivity of complex interspecific potato hybrids by agronomic factors |
N. V. Kravchenko, A. A. Podhaietskyi |
Resistance of potato interspecific hybrids and their backcrosses to virus diseases |
A. A. Podhaietskyi, S.M. Gorbas |
The selection feature of corn hybrids under conditions of north-east of Forest-steppe Ukraine |
N. A. Shtukin, V. I. Onychko |
The content of mineral nitrogen in the soil and productivity of sugar beet depending on fertilization systems |
V. M.Polevoy, O. V. Shevchuk |