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Upgrading of responsible details of machines by technologies on the base of the electro-erosive alloying |
Tarelnyk V., Dumanchuk M. U.
Most responsible details of compressors, pumps, gas-pumping vehicles and other industrial equipment, work at high-rate, loading and temperatures, and also in the conditions of abrasive, corrosive and other types of influence of working environments.
The works sanctified to upgrading of surfaces of responsible details of industrial equipment are actual and timely.
The aim of work is providing of the required quality of superficial layers of responsible details of machines by forming of the multilayers combined electro-erosive coverages (EEC) from hard wearproof and soft anti-friction metals, that allows to a great extent to promote their reliability and longevity at making and repair of machines.
For working off technology of overcoating standards were used measuring 15×15×8 mm from construction steel 45, to stainless steel of 07Х16Н6, high-speed steel of Р6М5 and nickeliferous alloy of ХН58МБЮД.
For realization of experimental works representatives were chosen: titan (Ti), vanadium (V), tungsten (W) and their carbides, and also carboloies of ВК8, Т15К6 and chrome. As fusible metals used: cadmium (Cd), indium (In), tin (Sn), antimony (Sb) and lead (Pb) and copper (Сu).
As a result of undertaken studies it is set:
1. At work-hardening 45 became most preferable there are EEC formed on the chart of ВК8+Сu+ВК8, when first and last layers from the carboloy of ВК8 are inflicted at WP=0,42 J, and intermediate(copper) at WP=0,28 J.
2. Positive results at work-hardening of nickeliferous alloy of ХН58МБЮД provide EEC created on the chart of ВК8+ВК8+Сu and ВК8+ВК8+Ni, when the first layer from the carboloy of ВК8 is inflicted at WP=0,42 J, and intermediate from the same material and third from a copper or nickel at WP=0,02 J.
The calculation of ebbiciency of the turbopump unit system axle automatik bolance |
Gorovoy S.A.
Ihe calculation of ebbiciency and characteristics of the turbopump unit is expedient to conduct byinter-polation methods usinq the known characteristics of the workinq staqe of the unit and defininq the external enerqy losses. Ihe necessary condition is the fulfillment of power balance of the turbine and pump parts takinq into consideration the external enerqy losses.
The gidroprivodni turbopump aggregates (TNA) of liquid are designed as multi-stage hydraulic machines with the powerful system of the force. Thus financial viability of their use needs achievement of high к.к.д., the main constituent of which is created maximally possible external by volume к.к.д. due to planning statically of the proof system of the force with the minimum possible sources of working liquid. Calculation of general к.к.д. It is expedient to conduct TNA the method of progressive approximations with implementation of necessary condition of balance of powers of turbine and pumping parts taking into account the external losses of energy.
Gidroprivodni turbopump aggregates (TNA) are widely enough used in different technological processes, namely wherein small diametral sizes and possibility of self-regulation are needed. Thus in every case the specific requirements are taken into account to the structural parameters of TNA and on the use of some materials for the workings organs of running part of aggregates, unchanging is only general physical approach, when a rotatory moment created the turbine block of TNA is a drive for a forebody which executes useful work proper to the place of application of setting.
TNA of liquid are specific characteristics, coming from external in the hydraulic network of the system of maintenance of pressure environments.
For the first, these aggregates are executed the limited external diameter, coming from the internal sizes of обсадних pipes of водогінноїскважини; for the second, they must create considerable hydraulic pressures for raising of liquid on a surface and transporting for the networks of pipes to story резервуара.
Transporting of liquid to the place of consumption is accompanied the losses of energy liquids which are predetermined both internal and external factors of this process. Considerable part of these losses is made by external mechanical losses. The methods of determination of these losses are thoroughly expounded in works. It follows only to notice that these losses proportional the third degree frequencies of rotation of rotor of TNA, consequently, taking into account very considerable frequencies of rotation, and it five – ten thousand turns for a minute, can arrive at ten of kilowatts.
Calculation of general к.к.д. it is expedient to conduct by progressive approximations with the use of the known descriptions of workings degrees of pumping and turbine parts of TNA.
Effect of temperature on the binding energy of tin atoms |
Dziuba A.V.
The main use of its tin found in anti-friction alloys (bronze and babbitt) Bearings, which are widely used in most critical parts of centrifugal compressors, pumps, turbines and other machines operating at high speeds, loads and temperatures, as well as in terms of corrosion, abrasive and other types of exposure to working environments. Solving the problem associated with an increase in service life, it depends on increasing durability and reliability of friction units. Creating surface layers with special properties for elements of knots of friction determines the importance and urgency of the problem and the need to address it. As a general rule as anti-friction alloys based on tin used olovyannosurmyanistye babbits B88 and B83 and alloys of copper and tin, the so-called tin bronze. Thus, the work is determined by the most rational use of plain bearings, made of babbitt olovyannosurmyanistyh and tin bronze used in various ambient temperatures during operation, by determining the binding energy of the tin atoms in different versions.
Determine the of surface roughness dependence on electroerosive alloying technological modes |
Konoplianchenko Ie.V,. Yaremenko V.P., Gerasimenko V.A.
Problems of heightening of longevity and reliability of details of machines and the equipment, working in heavy conditions are solved, as a rule, by application of high-strength stainless steels and alloys that entails the big expenditure, both cost intensive materials, and metal-cutting and stamp instrument. Fixed deficiency of the instrument and scarce materials carries on to lowering a production efficiency, hampers security of demanded quality of production and, finally, complicates operation of the enterprise in conditions of market ratios.
In a paper the equation of regression which represents empirical model of dependence of a roughness from technology factors is received. The received model displays, that significant there were only linear effects of technology factors. Their pair interactions render insignificant influence on a roughness. The greatest influence from three chosen linear effects is rendered with parameters of operating modes of installation U х.х. Jк.з.. It is established, that the doping is preferable for making for deriving a minimum roughness at minimum effort, average current magnitudes and the maximal values of the transferred mass of a doping material.
Ensuring of the workpiece stability conditions in the fixture with locating scheme on three planes |
Pavlenko V., Ivanov V. O.
Fixtures are designed for accuracy and fixing of workpieces in machine tools. They are an integral part of the closed technological system “machine – fixture –tool – workpiece”. Fixtures affect significantly to the production and ensure the required accuracy and quality of machined surfaces, sufficient rigidity of the tech-nological system and flexibility of the production process and prime cost of the final product. The problem of fixture designing is an actual and related to important scientific and practical problems to ensure stable posi-tion of the workpiece during surfaces forming.
Nowadays there are different approaches to the design and research of the fixtures for machining op-erations developed. To determine the current state of research in designing the fixtures and actuality of the basic approaches research of cooperation between the fixture and the workpiece have been investigated.
The existing information as to identifying the position of the functional elements including contacts has advisable recommendation and is not based on the analytical research. The purpose of this article is ensuring of the equilibrium state of the workpiece in the fixture under the action of the clamping and cutting forces components.
The main problems of scientific research are formulated to get the aim: the mathematical model creation for determination the stable equilibrium state of the workpiece in fixture; pointing of the relations between functional elements and workpiece, minimal clamping force, fixing and cutting forces components among stability conditions; theprocedurecreation of static calculation of the system “fixture – workpiece”.
In this paper conditions for ensuring of the workpiece stable equilibrium position in the fixture on three planes was considered. Analytical expressions that determine contact areas between the workpiece and functional elements were obtained from conditions of ensuring the equilibrium position of the workpiece. The minimum clamping force is defined from conditions of stability and loading of the elements. The expression for critical values of cutting force components was received.
Model changes in states of compilation modeling of engineering products |
Skorkin A.O., Kondratiuk O.L., Malinina Y.V.
Based on the analysis, the most complex and least formalized in terms of mathematical description is stationary nepotokova assembly of dismemberment and without dismembering works used in conditions of small-scale production using ruchnoyiyi work with elements of mechanization. However, it is generally used for the formation of complex engineering products. Today this problem is solved in different ways using ASTPV. Developments in the field of CAD TP highly disparate assembly, generally absent closest to real production system design concept of the design process in the CAD assembly TP.
One way to overcome these problems are technological preparation of production based on directed formation processes options drafting and analysis of the most promising options for three-dimensional mod-eling by imitating the working environment.
The selection model for evaluation humus soil environment agroecosystems |
Golub G., Kukharets S.
Formulation of the problem. In recent years a marked tendency to reduce the humus content in the soil. To avoid this trend should formalize the dynamics of mineralization and humification humus.
Modeling humus can be made by analyzing the dynamics of flows and stocks of carbon in soil humus and organic residues and fertilizers.
However, studies conducted not paid sufficient attention to the choice of models to assess humus soil environment agroecosystems.
The purpose of research. Analyze existing models to assess humus soil environment agroecosystems. To prove an adequate model of the humus content in the soil.
Results. To analyze changes in humus soil conditions can be used three models of the dynamics of humus content, change the content of humus is inversely proportional to the humus content and time; change of humus content is inversely proportional to the humus content; change of humus content is inversely proportional to the time.
The results of modeling humus soil stabilization. Are obtained model changes humus content in the soil.
Conclusion. The stabilization of humus content in the soil (without application of organic substances) will take place at the level of 1.1% or absent.
The model of the dynamics of humus content in the fertile layer of soil is adequate and allows to calcu-late the humus content in the soil.
The study of accommodation winter wheat to the energy of growing out plant |
ZubkoV.M., Kuzina T.V.
Different options of placement of winter wheat grains have been examined. Plants’ development in op-timal conditions has been researched. It has been explored how a grain should be placed into soil to accelerate the intensity of the development of the root system and the aboveground part of plant. It has been determined that a seed should be placed vertically in the row so that the bud is atop that will accelerate the sprout germination and increase the intensity of its development, as well as help to avoid “galloping”. Ensuring such dropping will help to get optimal plant density, seeding decrease and obtaining of the top yield, leading to reducing labor and facility costs. A hypothesis concerning increasing yields by ensuring such seed placement of winter wheat that might provide emergence of even sprouts and obtaining of the best output yield has been developed.The received results will be used to develop sowing objects which could provide quality sowing of materials and deliver maximum crop with the minimum costs.The studies revealed one more important factor which has influence to the further development of a plant and it's well-developed root system of the stem.The root system developed the best with the vertical orientation of the seed and its provides good wintering.
The justification composition machine aggregates to perform mechanized processes in plant based on modern technical tools
Sarzhanov O., Tatsenko O.
The mechanization crop production in Ukraine during the reform and development of agricultural pro-duction requires technological upgrading high-performance, reliable hardware. They allow you to meet the demands of modern agriculture. Further development of agriculture greatly depends on the logistics industry.In terms today, the structure market means of agricultural production. It requires new approaches to systems engineering and technical support of modern technologies in agricultural production.Changes in agricultural production in Ukraine and its integration into global processes led to significant changes in agricul-ture.Reducing the cost of crop production is the actual problem. For engineering service sector is task is to ensure high quality of the machines. Machines should do the job with a maximum load in the short term.To ensure a certain level of quality farm machinery necessary to optimize their acquisition.At the present stage development of agriculture. These issues are of particular relevance. In the scientific paper analyzes famous works by justification composition machine aggregate. The scientific article is devoted to study the composition and use machine aggregate in the performance of mechanized processes the agricultural plant. The results and analysis indicate a sufficiently large number of scientific research aimed at solving this prob-lem.The problem of engineering and technical support agricultural production remains understudied.An im-portant aspect the calculation and the optimal composition machine aggregate in Ukraine is the emergence a large number different types of foreign technical tools for agricultural purposes. Most the information about the specifications data of means rather limited. Available information is not sufficient to justify the existing methods rational structure, parameters and modes operation of machine aggregate. The method optimizing the structure machine aggregate manning the presence of technical information on public facilities.
The technique is conventionally divided into three stages calculations: justification for traction and grip capabilities energy resources; rational justification modes and parameters of machine aggregate; optimization the use technology (machine aggregate) in industrial processes. The technique justification machine aggregate in the main optimality criteria: performance, fuel consumption, energy costs, and given the cost of machine aggregate.
For practical implementation of the proposed technique developed software for computers.
Differential equalizations of ruh combined МТА |
Yaroshenko P.
The difficult mechanical systems to that belongs МТА are the resilient systems with the endless num-ber of degrees of liberty. The study of motion of such resilient semilongwalls is related to large difficulties. Technical practice produced many different receptions constructions of the simplified charts, that is used for an analysis. One of such receptions, especially widely used in an engineer, replacement of the real difficult system the equivalent brought system over is with the eventual number of degrees of liberty. This reception it is expedient to use and in this case.
Analysing the publications of the last years drawn conclusion that researchers for description of motion of difficult aggregates were use equalizations of Lagrange the second family. However researchers used the front hand up system of tractor in the aggregates. The aim of this article is a design of motion of the combined aggregate with the use of front hand up by means of the system of differential equalizations.
In the complement of МТА enter the energysaturated tractor as KТP-121, front and back hanging agri-cultural machines. Will examine motion of МТА in two measuring, considering that vertical forces and moving do not render large influence on motion on the whole. Position of tractor is fully determined by the coordinates of centre-of-mass (in two measuring) and corner of turn of longitudinal axis of tractor in relation to the axis х. Except it, direction of motion determines the corner of turn of the guided wheels. For the design of sharp increase of casual resistances by the hanging machines of aggregate, it is necessary also to assume the angular and transversal moving of hanging machines. The longitudinal moving of hanging machines in relation to a tractor are considered very small. Chart of motion of МТА, at the account of the above enumerated factors, presented. Deformations of elements that bind a tractor to the hanging machines, for evidentness not indicated.
The got system of differential equalizations is nonlinear, as all her equalizations are nonlinear after an exception three. To calculate the value of functions (dependences of the generalized coordinates on time), id est integrate the system of differential equalizations, analytically is not possible. Improbable will be and the use functions Ljapunоvа for the estimation of firmness motion not executing integration the system of differ-ential equalizations of motion. Thus, the most corresponding approach in the decision of the put task will be the use numeral methods.
Determination of energy consumption for crushing process of grain |
Serdyuk V.V., Rydenko V.A.
In the laboratory, new technologies foods studied grain refinement and separation shock shredder. Selected factors affecting the operation of the chopper, held full factorial experiment. The data processed by the methods of mathematical statistics, regression equations obtained allow to obtain a mathematical model of the influence of factors on energy costs when operating the shredder.
Economic effect of milc production in the time of mechanization on small dairy farm |
Komkov V., Lysenko V.
On small dairy farm arise addition problems for mechanization of productivity process and realization quality products. On the one hand for mechanization of productivity process this need a lot of investments for machines, equipments and corresponding building for their place. On the second hand absence mechanization of productivity process lead to lowering productivity per man, deterioration of quality milk and lowed price his realization. This practice for sale of milk low quality to be inadmissible. The milk for all form farms must correspond to state standards as product for population. On this reason a question came up problems base ones arguments on facts of possibility application to production of optimal version for mechanization of productivity process with the purpose of production milk with accordingly to state standards. On the second hand the mechanization on small dairy farm must also make sure maximum economic effect with realization products.
We propose the method definition economic effect of mechanization all production process on small dairy farm with take into consideration various technologic maintenance cows in time stall period. In this work determine optimal index’s of technologic which make sure maximum economic effect from mechanization and realization of quality milk wish conformity to state standards.
For choice optimal structure means’s of mechanization for most complicated and responsible process of milking cow we execute analysis results exploitation of several variants mechanical and automatic milking equipments. The obtain milk clean, cool and temporality keep in milk tanks.
In this work cite as an example results calculation of specific gross yearly income on small dairy farm into dependence for several variants mechanical and automatic milking equipments, productivity of cow, concentration of total number dairy-cattle and market condition of products realization.
The analysis of processes usage wastes of AIC of Ukraine in the context of sustainable development of regions |
Lysenko V.N., Нimpel V.V., Nikonorova V.N.
As a result of agriculture Ukraine raises questions not only to processing of raw materials, but also the issue of recycling waste after processing. Every year in Ukraine AIC formed about 109 million tons of waste, of which 49 million tons of inefficiently utilized or disposed and 60 million tons are used for further processing. Furthermore, most organic waste can serve as a breeding ground for the development and long-term survival of pathogenic organisms contain weed seeds and other impurities. The negative factor is imperfect waste disposal environmental pollution. Agriculture has a greater impact on the environment than any other sector of the economic. The article describes the main benefits of using waste agricultural sector of Ukraine to energy. Determined that to achieve sustainable regional development is necessary to introduce alternative energy, particularly in agriculture, where there is significant potential.
It was determined that studies ways to use waste products of agriculture and their use as energy sources is highly relevant in the context of sustainable regional development. It was proposed to solve the problem of the possibility and feasibility of using the potential of agriculture in the region for the production and use of alternative energy in agriculture. These types of existing waste agricultural industry and determined energy intensity of each. Analyzes that, the most effective waste will be used in the processing of biogas. It is indicated that the contribution of biogas technology can make to energy complex of Ukraine.
Comparison of the efficiency of heat exchangers-heaters in the qualitative and quantitative regulation in the heating system |
Lysenko V.N., Sirenko V.F., Chevigny V.A.
Energy efficiency analysis of heat transfer equipment in the conditions of variable heat capacity was performed.
Definition of coefficient of performance of heat exchangers is relevant in the analysis of the heating devices heating systems. Analysis of previous studies from the literature showed a lack of consideration of this indicator, if the heat load control in heating systems.
Indicators of energy efficiency of heat pump water heater qualitative and quantitative methods, load management were considered.
Under certain assumptions, the analytical expressions for the finite temperatures of the heating and heated fluids were obtained when changing such parameters:
- the initial temperature of the heating fluid - quality control method;
- consumption of heating of the coolant – quantitative method of regulation.
For these two methods of regulation are also obtained formulas for determining the efficiency of heat exchangers. Found that by reducing the heat load compared to the maximum in quality regulation efficiency does not change and remains constant. In the quantitative regulation of the efficiency decreases from a max-imum value at the highest load in proportion to the decrease in the consumption of heating of the coolant.
To fully realize the positive aspects of different methods of load control it is recommended to use dif-ferent combinations of qualitative and quantitative regulation.
Drying fuel briquettes from straw using their own heat |
Semirnenko S.L., Semirnenko Y.I., Sarzhanov O.A.
Ensuring satisfactory power indicators of fuel briquettes from straw is possible with the optimal value of humidity. One way to reduce the humidity of briquettes is drying after production on the shock-mechanical press, which is due to their own heat with a cam for moving the conveyor while blowing air stream that provides cooling and drying.
Geometric parameters of the cam conveyor speed of the conveyor briquettes for his performance. It is proposed to use a cam conveyor divided into two zones and blowing preforms conveyed by a conveyor, the air flow using recirculation that provides the minimum time cooling and drying the fuel briquette, reducing their cost.
The process of cooling and drying can be carried out at each stage in different modes; will have the first phase of intensive cooling and drying of pellets, the second - intensive drying through the use of heated air and the third - the final cooling briquettes.
In the production of pellets are cooled not alone, and a layer of some thickness. Passing through a layer of briquettes, much cooling air is heated, and its relative humidity decreases. During cooling and drying efficiency briquette moisture is 2%and is mainly at the beginning. So, at the end of the first stage of cooling, air cooling, heating and acquiring low relative humidity, does not lose its high drying properties and can be used to intensify the process of drying the second stage, that it can be used again.
Reuse of cooling air, recycling, avoids the technical means for heating the air and use this heat pellets, are cool.
Therefore, on the basis of the foregoing is to offer basic scheme of the process of cooling and drying pellets using air recirculation.
Improving the process of drying fuel briquettes from straw |
Semirnenko Y.I.
Widespread worldwide pellets and briquettes received due to the peculiarities of the process of com-bustion, which is a slow and controlled emission of volatile compounds and flue gas emissions. Their calorific value commensurate with conventional fuels, while the amount of harmful substances that stands out, is negligible.
Advantages of, pellets and briquettes before unpressedwaste: much smaller volume, environmentally friendly; characterized by long without sparking burning; You can precisely regulate the combustion process in the furnace, which will provide higher efficiency. The downside is pressed higher fuel costs.
Obtaining fuel from straw by briquetting eliminates a number of problems (storage of raw materials re-gardless of the season, warehousing, transportation, automation download in furnaces) and makes a universal fuel both in terms of methods of burning, and with the view of consumers.
One of the main features that characterize briquettes from straw biomass is their ultimate humidity, which is provided usually by drying straw. We have proposed the use of straw is not drying as the most , briquettes formed by the heat in their production. The rate of drying of fuel pellets is directly proportional to the moisture, remove from the cake, and drying factor.
That is, to speed drying should reduce the relative humidity of cooling air, leading to a decrease equi-librium moisture briquettes. Increasing the speed of drying is also possible due to increase of the drying that with increasing temperature increases.
In the first stage drying of fuel briquettes held atmospheric air. The heated and the first stage of the process air drying, enters the second stage of drying.
In the second phase to intensify the process of drying briquettes air heated by electroheaters. At the same time it humbles himself humidity and enthalpy increases, due to what is provided bricks to the required final drying humidity. Using heated air will increase the rate of drying bricks and reduce the humidity of the final.
Calculation and justification of the choice of heat exchangers using the above parameters |
Sirenko V.F.
Developed a single, unified approach to determine the magnitude of the surface heat exchange in the regenerative heat exchangers and to determine the efficiency of energy use and heating of the coolant.
For this purpose, applied to bring the temperature of the coolant to the lowest initial temperature of the coolant heats up. Thereby reduced the number of variables by 1 unit.
Due to simplify the expressions for the temperature difference at the ends of the heat exchanger obtained a General expression for the average temperature difference in counterflow and direct the movement of fluids in the apparatus. But at the present time, have used the expression in which pre-define a large and a smaller temperature difference and then substituted into the original formula.
The application of the method given temperature also simplifies the expression to determine the coefficient of performance of the heat exchanger.
We introduced the coefficient of correlation between "right" and "left temperature difference simultaneously entered in the expression for determining the heat transfer surface and to determine coefft efficiency of the heat exchanger. Specifying the values of this coefficient from the range of admissible values, we can determine the ratio between the size and efficiency of the heat exchanger at the stage of preliminary design.
Environmental risk assessment ofsurface water under migration of fertilizers and pesticide |
Shandyba A.B.,PhD, Shpetny D.M., Semernja O.V., Vereschaka I.V.
The present paper shows that the geohydrodynamic parameters of the water-soil systems may be de-terminated for risk assessment under ecology monitoring of pesticide residues and mineral fertilizers. After consideration the various approaches and geodata that may be involved, the stagnate zones model was recognized. The key problem to be considered here deals with the surface concentration distribution, risk evaluation and allowable residue levels for chemicals.It is possible to make forecast and ecology monitoring based on the proposed mathematical model with tabulated migration parameters of the contaminants and soils. It is supposed that only vertical changes of concentration profile occur due to rains or snow melting on horizontal site under equal initial distribution of the contaminants. These can reach ground water when the ground-water zone will contact with the upper surface of the capillar zone. But in case of unhorizontal site the contaminants can reach both ground and surface water due to the interrupted mass-transfer along a relief gradient. Assuming the contaminated site like the system of troughs installed with the different real slopes gives a possibility to find a current distribution of the contaminants residue concentration.
Rational water consumption under multistage washing |
Shandyba A. B., Shpetny D. N.
This report deals with a theoretical approach to the multistage washing system for dispersive materials in soil.At the present time there is growing scientific concern about the multistage washing system which provides important benefits compared to single-stage of the soil washing. Considering the effect of differential intensity of mass-transfer as the specific function of technological parameters on every stage gives some information to get a minimum water consumption. Our approuch is to evaluate chemicals content changes for the last two stages with different efficiency. The cascade method utilizes the matter balance and kinetic equations under unequal efficiency and mass-transfer parameters of every stages The optimum fresh water rate was explored under limited water consumption. It was founded that the more effective stage demands more share of water rate according to mass-transfer intensity parameters.
Perfection of principles of planning of technological processes on the base of module technology |
Dumanchuk M.
In the article the development of a method of unification of manufacturing processes is offered on the basis of the modular technology. At usage of a designed method in conditions of mean and heavy engineering terms of technological preparation of production are reduced, the excellence of fulfilment of design activities is provided.
Application of the rotating coordinate system to the theory asynchronous engine |
Lysenko V., Savoyskiy A.
Described an efficient method of calculating the parameters of the electric motor with a rotating frame of reference. Described expressions to determine the induction of EMF in the phase stator windings and provided a frame of reference and the location of the motor rotor bars.
For research and calculation of electrical processes in the rotor induction motor was presented rotating coordinate system and derived mathematical relationships for induction emf conductive rods moving rotor below the upper band division, taking into account the shift of the initial phases.
Also compiled a simplified equivalent circuit diagram for the determination of the currents flowing in the conductive rods that define the power characteristics of the motor.
To calculate the currents in the equivalent circuit diagram used method of applying. For this series of induction EMF is divided into complex impedance conductive rods and received currents shifted in phase due to the angles and the additional shift due to the complex impedance.
It is shown that the use of this technique reduces the amount of computations and simplifies the inter-pretation of results.
Requirements and differences the new version of the international quality standards |
Rudenko V.
A comparative analysis of the new fifth version of international quality standards ISO 9000. Series was established and systematized changes and differences in accordance with the standards ISO / DIS 9001: 2015. The expediency and conditions of use of the new requirements of international quality standards for agricultural enterprises.
Mathematical modeling of process flows when compiling sided splines in automatic mode |
Bondarev S., Ryasna O.
When performing mathematical calculations heat transfer method was used mathematical modeling of heat flow in the Assembly splines based on the width of the slots for the full range of sizes. Thanks to the proposed model, it is possible to accurately determine the temperature of the heating of the covering sleeve, which provides the probability of an Assembly of about 100 percent.
Remains the problem of Assembly splined connections with landing the width of the slots P10/K7, to address this goal were analyzed heat fluxes that occur during heat Assembly splines. To solve the heating covering splined bushings, since overheating leads to an abrupt loss of time, human resources and electric power, and insufficient heating causes premature adhesion of the sleeve, which is not yet at the desired position relative to the covered surface.
Study accuracy of multiposition metal cutting technology systems at reinzhynirynzi |
Zaharov M., Zaharova O.
The workis devoted to research multipositionaccuracy of metal cuttingtechnology systems in the reen-gineering. Multi-process systems metal cutting, usually designed to the one option implementation, the method consists of fitting individual parts and components, which greatly affects the possibility of re-engineering of the equipment. After assembly design process conducted multiple installation and removal units, fitting, finishing, layout and so on. All this leads to increasing complexity of technological systems assembly multiposition metal machining during their reinzhynirynzi, as well as theoretical and practical unpredictability of the final result. The process of designing and manufacturing of the process equipment not controlled "pass-through" system of quality assessment criteria and approval of the results at each stage. So, now the question arose of development of science-based methodology design and production process systems multiposition metal machining during their reinzhynirynzi that will achieve the necessary precision equipment at the least cost, through harmonization results in all phases of design and production, and thus provide a predictable end features at the lowest cost. In this case we can speak of process control engineering and assembly at reinzhynirynzi unique complex technological systems that can significantly improve their competitiveness, which is relevant.
The genetic algorithms application to solve the traveling salesman problem in geographic information systems |
Unda A.N,, Zhygulin I.V., Petrov S.A., Rudenko R.A.
The paper investigated and improved the genetic algorithm like an heuristic method for solving the traveling salesman problem. Algorithm implemented as a web-service in framework of geographic information system based on Yandex.Maps interface.
Evolution and modern achievements of mass spectrometers |
Kuzema A.S., Kuzema P.A.
It has been presented the review and analysis of the main evolution stages of one of the most efficient methods for investigation of composition and properties of substances – mass spectrometry. The advantages and application area of the method were described, as well as physical and technical peculiarities of the devices for its realization were considered.
On the obtainment of accurate alternative time segments of commutation of periodically-discreet signals |
Panchenko B.E., Pechenyuk D.A.
Carried out have been the development and testing of a new method of automated digital commutation of periodically-discreet analogue or digital signals from a considerable number of preliminarily non-synchronized sources (moments of the beginning of movement of tracts that have constant characteristics happen by an accidental principle), that provides synchronized switching on the commutation level. At that, the integrity of the input and output signals has not been violated. The non-redundant automated multi-user mode is maintained. New abilities of the offered method have been revealed and testing of the devices developed on its basis has been carried.
Offered is a new technical solution of a classic problem of television online-manufacture of automatic obtainment of accurate alternative time segments of the results of commutation of periodically-discreet sig-nals. Commutation of several alternative programs depends on one user only. Functional and principal schemes of the basic unit of the device are given. A conclusion about the possibility of optimization of tract loading with a considerable number of sources is made.
On account of a new routing and signal delivery device, offered is effective exclusion of the redundancy of camera channels, which could make it possible to decrease maintenance expenses for the deployment of multi-camera systems where the required number of signal sources is more than 100, and sometimes even more than 1000.
The described concept has been tested upon the organization of numerous live television broadcasts, television conferences and instant multi-camera video servicing of events which had their video reports pub-lished. The obtained results make it possible to offer the method to wider implementation.
Thermal stress state fiber glass pipe at the junction with metal flange |
Vereshchaka S.M., Deineka A.V., Danilcev V.V., VereshchakaI V.
Using ANSYS software system investigated stresses in the glue joint when connecting metal flange with fiberglass pipe. Calculation is made for two variants of the pipeline, as the equalizer using or without it. It is noted that the change in temperature of the pipeline, has a significant impact on the state of stress in the glue line.
Studied the stress-strain state of GRP pipes, which is manufactured using CPPN (kososlojnym longitudinal-transverse winding). The anisotropy factor is 1,2. The modulus of elasticity in tension in the longitudinal direction of the material of this pipe is: Еz = 23 500 MPa. Thermal coefficient of linear expansion in the range 100 to 300 K is (9.6 - 30)*10-6 1/K. The pressure in the pipeline varies from 1.5 to 5.0 MPa. Operating temperature varies from – 35 ˚С to + 50 ˚С.
Noted that internal stresses in the longitudinal direction of GRP pipes caused by temperature change, can lead to loss of bearing capacity of GRP pipes. So when the temperature is at 50 ˚С the value of the longitudinal compression force 60 kN, which significantly influences the strength of GRP pipes in the area of its compounds with a metal flange. It is proved that the use leads to the reduction of the longitudinal compressive force to N under similar temperature change.
Wind loaded composite flue structural integrity |
Vereshchaka S.M., Zhigiliy D.O., Danilcev V.V., Vereshchaka I.V.
In the paper, the calculations of static and dynamic strength fiberglass exhaust pipe. The deformation model of the material is considered to be quasi-homogeneous, made up of different orientated unidirectional layers. Wind loads on exhaust pipe are modeled on the basis of state standards. The estimated model is represented by a transversely isotropic cylindrical shell of variable thickness in height, supported by stretch marks in the form of steel ropes.
With the help of ANSYS software identifies frequencies and forms of natural vibrations fiberglass ex-haust pipe. The analysis of stress-strain state of the studied structures from the action of the specified static and dynamic loads, as well as to quantify the effect of the stretch on the strength, stiffness and natural fre-quency of the structure in question. It is proved that the frequencies and forms of natural vibrations of the pipe depend on the number of stretch marks that are installed at different levels along the height of the pipe. Selected rational form of fastening stretch marks and it is shown that the presented design is similar to the rational for strength conditions.
Equilibrium of elastic wedge with eventual crack at vertex |
Nekislykh Y.M., Batalova A.B.
The upshots of task of flat deformation of resilient wedge the lateral verges of which are free of tensions are close, with an eventual rectilineal crack which is on wasp of symmetry of wedge and goes out from his top got in works B. I. Smetanin, R. P. Srivastav, and exact upshots of this task – in works of H. E. Doran, A. A. Khrapkov, F. Quchterlony, R. D. Gregory, S. F. Stone, R. A. Westmann,R. D. Bancuri.
R. D. Bancuri got the decision of this task reports to the regional task of Rimana for analytical functions; thus factorization coefficient of task conducted in the integrals of type Koshi, but the results of calculations absent. In a work R. P. Srivastav a task is erected to integral equalization of Fredgol'ma of the second family, which is untied numeral. The values of closeness of integral equalization, through which as an integral of Abel the normal moving of banks of crack is expressed, are calculated. For the decision of this task B. I. Smetanin utillized the mathematical vehicle of method of Vinera – Gopfa; the thus executed is close factorization by approximation of function, that factorization.
The exact meanings of coefficients of intensity of tensions are got in works of H. E. Doran, A. A. Khrapkov, F. Quchterlony et al by the method of Vinera – Gopfa. Examined cases set on the banks of crack of permanent normal tensions in default of tangent tensions; concentrated (normal and change) forces which operate on the banks of crack; concentrated moments, enclosed in the top of wedge; concentrated forces on the banks of crack in the top of wedge.
Our purpose to get the exact decision of task of flat deformation of resilient wedge the lateral verges of which are free of tensions, with a rectilineal eventual crack which goes out from the top of wedge and located on his wasp of symmetry.
With the use of method of Vinera Gopfa the exact decision of task is found about the equilibrium of resilient wedge with a rectilineal eventual crack on his wasp of symmetry in the case when the lateral verges of wedge are free of tensions, and on the banks of crack, that виходиь from the top of wedge, permanent pressure operates. Faktorization of coefficient of functional equalization of Vinera – Gopfa is conducted in endless works. It is got Roz’yazok as rows after the roots of transcendent equalizations. Results over of cal-culations of coefficients of intensity of tensions are brought, distributing of normal tensions on the line of con-tinuation of crack, and also normal moving of banks of crack.
Conceptual directions precision machine tool design |
Bondarev S., Rebriy A., Rybenko I., Ryasna O.
Cylinder units of this type opens new perspectives in the design of precision machine tools 4th generation, is an integral element of machine tools rigging system adaptive program control (APC), have a high resistance to external influences, both the cutting forces and elements of the machine. Work spindle unit carried out under optimal technical parameters controlled by the electron computer, allows to obtain high reliability parametric node, and thus used as part of a flexible automated production. Spindle unit is designed for surface treatment lezviynoyi rotation pieces as metal and made of cast iron. This unit is designed for finishing operations and can be used for processing workpieces cutters from superhard materials. The peculiarity of this spindle unit is that it can reach a speed of 10,000 rev / min and more, dazvolyaye use superhard materials from natural and synthetic diamonds Heksonitu, ELBOR-R, Bilboru and others. In order to structurally increase speed away as the reference, may be used such as aerostatic bearings.
It should also be emphasized feature of the given design for increased reliability of the design. The system automatically allows you to create systemic gaps in pishypnykah sliding, thus maintaining the necessary rigidity of the system "machine - tool – workpiece" which allows no masters - nalahodzhuvalnykiv operate the system throughout the life cycle.
The system can also be from the very beginning to put in the best relative position relative to longitudinal axis of symmetry of the cutting tool, which allows not take into account the thermal "dreyfuvannya" front and tailstock relatively Machine cutting tools.
The above features make it possible to virtually eliminate the probability of marriage when processing workpieces to finishing operations.
The theory of complex motion of a point on the plane. Absolute acceleration. Tasks on the dynamics of points |
Pylypaka S.F. Chepizhnii А.V.
The complicated driving of a point which relative transition of which happens in mobile three-edge of a curve given by the natural equations is considered. The portable driving of three-edge is determined by dif-ferential performances of a curve. Competence of usage of the Frenet's formulas for determination of abso-lute speed-up of a point in projections to basis vectors of mobile three-edge is proved. Problems on particle dynamics are solved, visualization of the obtained outcomes is realized.
The complicated driving of a point which relative transition of which happens in mobile three-edge of a curve given by the natural equations is considered. The portable driving of three-edge is determined by dif-ferential performances of a curve. Competence of usage of the Frenet's formulas for determination of abso-lute velocity of a point in projections to basis vectors of mobile three-edge is proved. The absolute trajectories of driving are retrieved visualization of the obtained outcomes is realized.
Application of the accompanying three-edge plane curve as moving system of coordinates relative to which is carried the relative movement of the point, makes it possible to quickly and easily find the point of absolute acceleration in difficult driving in projections on orty three-edge and solve problems on the dynamics of a point moving in the same system. The developed approach greatly simplifies the solution of problems of complex traffic point, which makes its further development.
Effect of articulated vehicles suspension on the position stability parameters |
Dubinin Ye., Polyanskiy A.
The quantitative assessment of the articulated vehicles suspension impact on the position stability pa-rameters while driving is performed. The registration of dynamic parameters, namely: the vertical, lateral and longitudinal accelerations acting on the sprung and unsprung masses of the articulated tractors front section is performed. As a result of experimental studies there were obtained the values of linear acceleration, which have been converted into the angular acceleration and the front section speed. Based on these parameters there was carried out the selection of random variables distribution. The most suitable is the normal distribution of angular velocities of the sprung and unsprung masses of the tractor front section. It was determined that the average and maximum values of the angular velocities of the sprung and unsprung masses of the tractor T-150K front section while driving on horizontal road section with different asphalt concrete pavement quality differed by no more than 20%. Accounting of the influence of sprung masses will make it possible to increase the accuracy of maximum stability parameters determination, the excess of which can lead to rollover. For preliminary assessment of position stability parameters of articulated wheeled vehicles sections when driving on uneven coatings is possible to use the single-mass model.
The new methodical approach to definition of normal reactions on the car's axis |
Podrigalo M., Baytsur М., Sheludchenko V.
The new methodical reception that allowing without drawing up the kinetostatics equations to determine sum of normal reactions of road on the car's axis at movement in modes of traction and braking is offered. Such approach allows to avoid the errors caused by definition of a direction of the capsizing moment in a longitudinal plane of the car.
Analytical equations allow to determine the total normal reaction on the front and rear axles of the ve-hicle in traction and braking modes by means of the equations of statics. The methodological approach used in the preparation of the equations of static equilibrium allows us to avoid the mistakes that often occur when you use the principle of Hermann-D'alembert-Euler. Presents analytical expressions are derived taking into account the application of the brake and the traction force of the vehicle to its axis and allows to account for the difference of dynamic radiuses of the front and rear wheels.
Legal regulation of transport safety |
Stepanov А.V.
The article considerslegal regulationof transport safetyand, in particular safety of motor transport. The article defines some features oftraffic laws. It is pointed out thatthere has beena remarkableactivationof legis-lative activitiesin transport sectorin recentyears,but no major priorities of state policy on ensuring traffic safety have yet been defined by law.
It is noted that transport safety and, in particular safety of motor transport is based onlegal, econom-ic,organizationaland socialprinciples provided by laws, codes, statutes and other nationaland interna-tionalregulations.Under theseconditions a reviewof statelaws on traffic safety managementis extremelyim-portant.
It is shown that no major priorities of state policy for ensuring motor transport safety have yet been de-fined by law. In particular, strategic guidelines of development of the road safety field are not defined; the objectives of traffic accidents overcoming are not quantified; there is no state body that is responsible for traffic safety management in the country; regulatory technologies for transformation of traffic safety objectives to particular result are not developed; there are no effective standards for motor transport safety management; the mechanism of financing the projects aimed at traffic capacity increasing, at improvement of traffic management facilities, at elimination of danger areas and traffic accident clusters is not studied.
It is concluded thatone of the mostimportant andurgent problemsfortransport complexisto process a newedition ofadministrative andlegal documentswith respect toachievementsof modernscience.It is necessary tobalance the interestsof all road traffic parties, to strengthen influence of the mechanisms ofstate control on transport sector activities,to promote implementation of national policy for development of transport safety of Ukraine.