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The impact of lower provide protein of cows as stress-factor on hemocytopoesys and secretory function of breast tissue during intensive lactation |
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Livoschenko E.M., Livoschenko L.P.
Today, developed and implemented in practice the latest radiological methods of animal studies are limited to implementation and evaluation of radiographs of the thoracic cavity.
The various pathological processes cause changes in lung pattern. The weakening of the lung pattern of diffuse nature shows hemodynamic disturbances.
If expanded arterial vessels in roots, it indicates a hypertension in pulmonary arteries due to mitral stenosis, pulmonary emphysema, diffuse lung disease. If blood vessels in the roots narrow, it indicates hypovolemia (pulmonary stenosis).
If the evaluation of modified vascular pattern is important to establish its spread (diffuse or local), and therefore is determined by the substrate (hemodynamic disturbances or destruction of lung tissue), the nature of lung pattern due to interstitial component of this is independent. Interpretation of the substrate is not possible without taking into account the underlying disease.
Linear interstitial component observed at peribronhite, diffuse connective tissue diseases, vasculitis, lymphangitis, interstitial pulmonary edema, and others. Honeycomb pattern observed in chronic nonspecific interstitial lung disease (sarcoidosis, lymphangitis, etc.)
The identification of the nature of these changes, certainly contributes to the diagnosis of the disease, the definition of severity and prognosis of the lesions. The algorithm it is requirement for the phased implementation in a defined sequence of elementary operations to solve problems of this type (class). There is in radiology for each class of problems - for each driving shadow syndrome can develop your solution algorithm. The sequence of actions of the doctor by making a diagnosis is called a diagnostic algorithm. There are not many syndromes and each of them covers dozens of diseases. The refore, using a small number of algorithms can recognize almost all diseases.
The basis of assessment of lung pattern in dogs with computed radiography should be a change in its quantity and morphology of the substrate. When lung diseases in dogs to detect X-ray changes in the form of strengthening or weakening the lung pattern. The application we developed a diagnostic algorithm changes in lung pattern is important in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases in animals, flow forecasting disease and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
The dependens of hematological parameters on the characteristics of cortical and autonomic nervous control in pigs |
Karpovskiy P.V., Postoi R.V., Karpovskiy V.V., Landsman A.O., Skrypkina V.M.
In connection with the environment of the organism and integration of all organs and systems directed activity of the nervous system. It determines the type of individual differences and the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
The results of studies of hemoglobin and white blood cell count and red blood cells of pigs of different types of higher nervous activity and characteristics of autonomic regulation are shown in the article. Established relationship between hemoglobin levels and strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex and the type of the autonomic nervous system. On the number of erythrocytes significantly affect balance and mobility of cortical processes and type of autonomic regulation. Thus, between hematologic parameters and characteristics of higher nervous activity and autonomic regulation in the body of pigs there is likely a close relationship.
The high correlation between the number of erythrocytes balance and mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. The close relationship established between the hemoglobin in the blood and strength, balance and mobility cortical processes and influence the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. As for the content of leukocytes, the trend was recorded only influence the strength and mobility of the cortical processes. There was an inverse correlation between hemoglobin of heart rate after stimulation eyeballs.
For a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between cortical processes, the type of the autonomic nervous system and physiological processes necessary to investigate their effects on metabolic processes in the pig
Morphological and biochemical parameters of blood horses of different breeds |
Hryapin V.
In connection with the environment of the organism and integration of all organs and systems directed activity of the nervous system. It determines the type of individual differences and the ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.
The results of studies of hemoglobin and white blood cell count and red blood cells of pigs of different types of higher nervous activity and characteristics of autonomic regulation are shown in the article. Established relationship between hemoglobin levels and strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex and the type of the autonomic nervous system. On the number of erythrocytes significantly affect balance and mobility of cortical processes and type of autonomic regulation. Thus, between hematologic parameters and characteristics of higher nervous activity and autonomic regulation in the body of pigs there is likely a close relationship.
The high correlation between the number of erythrocytes balance and mobility of nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. The close relationship established between the hemoglobin in the blood and strength, balance and mobility cortical processes and influence the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. As for the content of leukocytes, the trend was recorded only influence the strength and mobility of the cortical processes. There was an inverse correlation between hemoglobin of heart rate after stimulation eyeballs.
For a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between cortical processes, the type of the autonomic nervous system and physiological processes necessary to investigate their effects on metabolic processes in the pig
Featuresof lipid metabolismin the bodyof cows inintense lactationperiod andembryonic periodof the fetus gestation |
Кambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., PivenS.N.
The studies proved, that the cows’ body has a high voltage of metabolism while simultaneously during the process of lactation and intrauterine fetal growth and development. Lipids, as the main source of energy and plastic material, in animals organism are widely used for the synthesis of milk components during intensive lactation (3-4-th month of lactation), the formation and development of the embryo during the embryonic period of gestation (1-2-th months of fetus gestation). The content, that the total fraction of phospholipids in fetal blood at the end of the first month of gestation was 135,84±3,48 count, that in 1,52 times (p<0,01) more compared with content in the blood of cows in the first month of tions.
Heavy use of lipids in the body sekretov cows for the formation of breast tissue stabilization occurred in periods of lactation and dry; for growth and development of the fetus - in the early fruitful and prolific periods of gestation.
Breast tissue of cows isolated in vidtikayuchu major blood lipids during the end of lactation, accompanied by a decrease in the synthesis of milk in 3,40 times. The content of the basic classes of lipids in the blood of fetuses from embryonic gestation period to the end of a fruitful period in the late 1,45-2,05 times greater, while the fertile period – at 1,21-1,41 times lower than in the blood of cows.
At the end of the second month of fetal development, this figure in their blood has not changed and amounted 133,56±3,36 count, that in 1,46 times (p<0,01) more, than their content in arterial blood, which is related with phospholipid synthesis in the fetus organism.
The research results allow in the future to take into account periods of most intensive use of the basic classes of lipids in the body for cows sekretoutvorennya breast tissue, fetal growth and development by month intensive period of lactation and gestation of the fetus.
Effects of stress on gemocitopoesys of calves |
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Livoschenko E.M., Kovalenko L.M., Pikhtireva A.V., Pluta L.V., Kalashnyk A.N.
The problem of stress sensitivity and regulation of the immune response of animals in extreme impact is considered one of the pressing in modern veterinary medicine. This is the most important experimental study mechanisms that causes extreme variability in response to factors including hematopoietic and immune systems using biorytmolohichnoho approach to determine the optimal schemes correction action of stress.
The studies show that the content of the 11 ОCS blood of calves under the influence of stress factors depending on the individual characteristics of the changes are not the same. In stress-resistant calves content 11 ОCS blood to the action of the negative factor was 5,36±0,26 % and 5,27±0,28 %, after the action is practically unchanged.
The article presents the results of studies of the stress effect on performance hematopoietic of calves 3 day old. Found that, the content of 11-glucocorticoids in blood stress-resistant calves before and after the action of a negative factor remained virtually unchanged, and stress-sensitive – increased by 15,9 %. Action of stress factor on the performance of the clinical status was more significant in stress-sensitive animals, namely: pulse increased in 1,10 times (p<0,05), the number of respiratory movements – 1,24 times (p<0,01), the number of erythrocytes increased in 1,08 times, leukocytes – in 1,06 times, eosinophils – in 3,84 times (p<0,001). All parameters hematopoiesis in stess-sensitive calves were significantly lower, than in the stress-resistant.
Stress-resistant animals have higher initial number of red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit index levels. Stress causes a statistically significant improvement in the performance of clinical triad of stress-susceptible and moderately susceptible calves stress. In stress-resistant calves under the influence of negative factors hematopoiesis figures vary slightly.
Stress sensitivity animals affect the performance of growth and development of calves. Yes, stress-resistant calves gain of body weight per day during the experimental period amounted to – 0,727 g, stress-sensitive – 0,593 g, and the average stress-resistant animals 0.656 g
Research results allow to consider the long term impact of technological factors on the body calves regardless of their stress sensitivity and consider it in production in order to reduce their negative impact.
The influence of membrane plasmapheresis to immunophysiological parameters of dogs organisms |
Broshkov M.M.
The reason for the variety of chronic diseases is a violation of internal environment, homeostasis or because of excessive intake of xenobiotics, including toxic, outside, or violation of various parts protection - detoxification, immunity, deducing pathological products from the body.
As the results of studies in the blood of dogs before the procedure plasmapheresis, the absolute number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and their subpopulations animal control and experimental groups were not significantly different and are in the physiological range. Regarding the phagocytic activity of neutrophils in dogs that experimental group the average value of this index is somewhat higher than in the control group animals.
The article provides the information of the changes of the absolute number of leukocytes, lymphocytes and their subpopulations, phagocytic activity of neutrophils at double filtration plasmapheresis in dogs. The absolute number of leukocytes decreased after the first plasmapheresis in dogs. The absolute number of lymphocytes and their subpopulations increased. The subpopulation of B-lymphocytesincreased. The number of neutrophils capable to phagocytosis reduced after one plasmapheresis. The second plasmapheresis procedures facilitated the following changes of immunophysiological state. The absolute number of leukocytes and lymphocytes increased. The subpopulation of T lymphocytes mainly increased due to T-helper cells (inducers). There is also a gradual recovery of phagocytic activity of neutrophils in the experimental group. The absolute number of B-lymphocytes after the first and after the second procedure of plasmapheresis increased. Immunoregulatory index during the plasmapheresis procedure was within the normal range. This indicates that plasmapheresis does not cause an imbalance of subpopulations of T-lymphocytes, without affecting the ability of these cells to an adequate immune response.
Studying the impact of plasmapheresis membrane on the basic parameters of humoral and biochemical parameters of blood dogs can establish immunophysiological status changes in various immune system dysfunctions of plasmapheresis and justify its use.
Use precursors for the synthesis of constituents milk cows of breast tissue in the second lactation cycle |
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Pikhtireva A.V.
The main functions of breast gland - creation, accumulation and excretion of milk taken by secretory cells, as well as capacitive and contractile-pin systems are closely linked and interdependent.
Central to the regulation of lactation, as you know, is the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Most researchers shared a different view, asserting actual participation incentives milking in regulation hormonoutvoryuyuchoyi function adenohypophysis without lactogenic hormones which can be laktopoez such important lactogenic hormones like prolactin and growth hormone – somatropin (growth hormone), produced by the anterior fate pituitary (adenohypophysis) .
The article presents data on the use of breast tissue cow’s precursors for the synthesis of the components of milk in the second lactation cycle by exposure bovinsomatotropin. Found that the most effective total protein, glucose, β-oksyoil acid, volatile fatty acids and acetic acid from the affluent blood using breast tissue of cows that were injected intramuscularly monthly 100 IU of bovinsomatotropin.
Thus, the second lactation breast tissue of cows III experimental group used the total protein in 1,53-1,87 times (p<0,01), β-oksyoil acid in 1,69-2,00 times (p<0,01 ), glucose at 1,38-1,69 times (p<0,01), VFA in 1,58-1,60 times (p<0,01) and acetic acid in 1,39-1,56 times (p<0,01) better than the breast tissue of cows in the control group.
The daily dynamics of the use of the cows mammary gland Sodium in colostric lactation |
Kambur M.D., Plyuta L.V.
The main functions of breast gland - creation, accumulation and excretion of milk taken by secretory cells, as well as capacitive and contractile-pin systems are closely linked and interdependent.
Central to the regulation of lactation, as you know, is the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Most researchers shared a different view, asserting actual participation incentives milking in regulation hormonoutvoryuyuchoyi function adenohypophysis without lactogenic hormones which can be laktopoez such important lactogenic hormones like prolactin and growth hormone – somatropin (growth hormone), produced by the anterior fate pituitary (adenohypophysis) .
The article presents data on the use of breast tissue cow’s precursors for the synthesis of the components of milk in the second lactation cycle by exposure bovinsomatotropin. Found that the most effective total protein, glucose, β-oksyoil acid, volatile fatty acids and acetic acid from the affluent blood using breast tissue of cows that were injected intramuscularly monthly 100 IU of bovinsomatotropin.
Thus, the second lactation breast tissue of cows III experimental group used the total protein in 1,53-1,87 times (p<0,01), β-oksyoil acid in 1,69-2,00 times (p<0,01 ), glucose at 1,38-1,69 times (p<0,01), VFA in 1,58-1,60 times (p<0,01) and acetic acid in 1,39-1,56 times (p<0,01) better than the breast tissue of cows in the control group.
The morphology of the thymus pigs home early in the postnatal ontogenesis |
Panikar I.І.
The main functions of breast gland - creation, accumulation and excretion of milk taken by secretory cells, as well as capacitive and contractile-pin systems are closely linked and interdependent.
Central to the regulation of lactation, as you know, is the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Most researchers shared a different view, asserting actual participation incentives milking in regulation hormonoutvoryuyuchoyi function adenohypophysis without lactogenic hormones which can be laktopoez such important lactogenic hormones like prolactin and growth hormone – somatropin (growth hormone), produced by the anterior fate pituitary (adenohypophysis) .
The article presents data on the use of breast tissue cow’s precursors for the synthesis of the components of milk in the second lactation cycle by exposure bovinsomatotropin. Found that the most effective total protein, glucose, β-oksyoil acid, volatile fatty acids and acetic acid from the affluent blood using breast tissue of cows that were injected intramuscularly monthly 100 IU of bovinsomatotropin.
Thus, the second lactation breast tissue of cows III experimental group used the total protein in 1,53-1,87 times (p<0,01), β-oksyoil acid in 1,69-2,00 times (p<0,01 ), glucose at 1,38-1,69 times (p<0,01), VFA in 1,58-1,60 times (p<0,01) and acetic acid in 1,39-1,56 times (p<0,01) better than the breast tissue of cows in the control group.
Use precursors for the synthesis of constituents milk cows of breast tissue in the third lactation cycle |
Peredera O.S.
Physiological properties of the pregnant cows blood |
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Lisovenko V.N. |
Trends and problems of development turkeys industry in Ukraine and world |
Petrenko V.
Current status and trends in sheep production in the world |
Binkevych V., Yatsenko I.
The article reviews the current state and problems of sheep production market and assesses the prospects for its development. Adjusted analytical overview of the dynamics of export-import operations with lamb in the world, including regional structure across countries. The dynamic basic quantitative indicators of sheep industry in the world (livestock production). Conducted an objective assessment of the current state of international trade, the main leaders in the production and export in the market, the patterns and trends of the world market lamb, wool, milk (supply and demand), generalized Ukraine's prospects as an exporter of mutton to EU countries and the Middle East.
The critical state of sheep due to several factors like global and domestic socio-economic conditions of countries. A characteristic feature of the sheep in the world in recent years is the transformation of its directions toward increasing milk production and lamb and wool production decrease with a slight reduction in livestock. This conversion is implied by the intensification of the industry, changes in demand for its products based on the emphasis of society and the need to stabilize the sheep as a very important part of agriculture, increase its efficiency and profitability. Further development of the industry will ensure the creation of conditions of industrial lamb production and by building modern uterine vivtseferm and fattening grounds. Technological methods that increase sheep production and improving its quality, require improved methods of production processes, improvement of sheep feeding and that promotes not only meat but also connected with her wool and milk production.
While Ukraine can not compete with the leaders because of the inability to produce in such amounts lamb, but it can find a buyer in the Middle East and the European Union. It should be noted that in the above mentioned countries, potential output growth lamb and mutton almost exhausted pasture to a significant increase in sheep flocks left. In the markets of Arab countries increased demand fresh or chilled meat - and therefore Ukraine can supply these products because of its territorial location and the possibility of rapid delivery while maintaining the quality and freshness of products. Today sheep is an export-oriented meat direction given also quotas granted Ukraine the EU, which can be a powerful exporter of lamb in the international market because of the large pastures in the desert and the Carpathians, which in turn requires the full use of the potential of biological species sheep breeding and improvement, productive indicators that meet current market demands.
Seasonal peculiarities of vitamin D status and metabolic profile of blood in cows in the natural geographical areas of Podillya |
Yuskiv L.L. |
The control strategy tofood zoonosiss at the stage of poultry in the European Union |
Kasyanenko O.I., Gladchenko S.M., Sobina M.M., Proshina A.I., Bezryk R.V.
Today official legalized plans to monitor the spread of streptococcus and control program to be used specifically for Enterococcus.
This article presents the data for the study of control strategies food zoonosiss (E.coli O157, Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Enterococcus), based on measures of biosafety at the stage of poultry production in the countries-members of the European Union. Analyzed legislative regulation of control measures to Campylobacter in poultry in the EU, transfer factors contributing to the risks transmission of Campylobacter spp. among poultry population. Also studied scientific development on control measures Саmруlоbасtеr on the stages of production of poultry products: the use of vaccination, bacteriophages, bacteriocins, antimicrobials and their alternatives on the basis of probiotic preparations and feed and water additives.
The spread of zoonoses is global because of the disease recorded in all Member States. The extent of zoonoses (E.coli O157, Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Enterococcus) in the intestinal tract of poultry slaughter in the party is 2-100% prevalence of streptococci slaughter poultry in most EU member states ascertained as high and very high. The source of infection for humans is sick poultry, but transmission factor – food.
Factors that contribute to the risk of food among poultry zoonoses include: vertical transmission of the pathogen, seasonality, staff farm pathogens contamination of feed and water, insects, wild animals (including rodents) and Synanthropic poultry, cattle pathogen contamination poultry territory, planting density of birds in poultry houses pathogen contamination of indoor air poultry house, chronic bacteria livestock poultry house, poultry treatment with antibacterial drugs and health of birds.
It is important to the development and implementation of national programs for the control of zoonoses and pathogens at all stages of the food chain - "from farm to fork."
Evaluation of quality and safety of meat carp by treatment of bacterial various drugs |
Petrov R.V.
Ukraine's Eurointegration course of development of agriculture requires obtaining good-quality and environmentally safe and Veterinary plan production to meet the needs of the population. Significant among the products occupy breeding products that contain large amounts of nutrients and nutrients.
The paper presents data on the quality and safety of meat carp in the treatment of Aeromonas it through various treatment regimens. In the treatment of Aeromonas carp was effective drugs "Rybosantm" and "Bifitril"; and the combination of drugs "Rybosantm" and "Avesstymtm", which provided the complete safety of carp in all experimental groups and their recovery. The use of combinations of drugs "Rybosantm" and "Bifitril"; and "Rybosantm" and "Avesstymtm" ensure improvement of safety of meat fish such as pH, Neslera number, the number of amino ammonia nitrogen, the percentage of moisture in the muscles, tasting indicators, bringing them closer to that of healthy fish.
When assessing tasting fried fish and boiled meat found that fish meat, which is not subjected to treatment were watery, muscle fibers spreading, aroma and taste were not expressed. The best indicator of taste we have seen in the fourth group, which used probiotic, the meat was flavorful, white, pleasant taste, pronounced muscles supple texture.
In the future development and implementation of effective clean drug for the treatment of Aeromonas fish in industrial fish farming.
Identification of common coliforms and E. coli as indicators of compliance with veterinary and sanitary requirements in the production of raw beef |
Efimova O.
The relationship between the number of somatic cells and cow disease subclinical mastitiscaused by staphylococcus and coliforms |
Kasyanchuk V., Berhilevych O., Sklar O., Marchenko A., Terehyna E.
One of the main criteria of the hygienic condition of raw milk of cows index value is the number of somatic cells.
The average value of the number of somatic cells in raw milk of healthy cows should be in the range of 200-250 thousand cells / cm3. Higher values of the number of somatic cells - up to 300 thousand cells / cm3, indicating that the sick cow mastitis.
Studied the cellular response mammary gland of cows with subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus, E. coli. Cows in first lactation with first diagnosed mastitis were in an experiment. Somatic cell count performed by the method of Prescott-Brida. The relationship between somatic cell count in secret cows with subclinical mastitis and mastitis pathogen was established. Cell response mammary gland at a subclinical mastitis different etiology was dissimilar and depends on the type of pathogen. Thus, for coliform mastitis in the first three days of the disease in secret udder migrates more somatic cells compared with mastitis, which activator is S. aureus. The greatest number of somatic cells with staphylococcal mastitis were recorded on the 6th day of onset, while coliform - on the third day, which was, on average, 4 million/cm3 and 5 million/cm3.
Staphylococcal subclinical mastitis characterized by a long period of isolation of high somatic cell count in secret udder, which amounted to an average of 26-27 days, while coliform mastitis during this period was 14-15 days. Appropriate allocation of subclinical mastitis pathogens observed in parallel with the increased number of somatic cells. The absence of E.coli bacteria in secret udder of cows with subclinical mastitis coliform, noted in 15-16 days from the onset of the disease, and the absence of S. aureus bacteria, respectively, after 26-27 days.
Determination of the number of somatic cells in cow udder secretion, patients with subclinical mastitis can be one of the information tools for milk producers and official veterinary inspectors that allows you to predefine the cause of mastitis and milk quality deterioration and immediately (before the results of bacteriological studies ) make management decisions to adjust the situation.
Veterinary and sanitary assessment of the aquatic environment for the cultivation of freshwater fish |
Kasyanchuk V.V., Rotaenko Y.M.
To confirm the relevance of our research aimed at studying the microbiological water pollution freshwater fish, we analyzed national official data on those indicators that are defined in fish and fishery products intended for export for 2013-2014 years. We are particularly interested in those indicators that characterize fishery products as unsuitable for export. By unsuitable organoleptic characteristics related discoloration, odor consistency of fish that were caused by microbial fish.
Analytical studies of the official results of laboratory tests lots of fish and fish products that intended for export, it was found that the main reasons for their non-compliance with existing requirements is the excess of microbiological criteria as total count microorganisms and the presence of enteropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. Important role in the contamination by microorganisms is water fish ponds where they live. Rezazurinovoy probe found that the excess indicator total count microorganisms in the water of the Kiev reservoir was found in 27,1 % of cases, with the largest number was in the summer months.
In the colder months of the year in the test water samples was smaller amount E.col, than in the summer months Indicator total count microorganisms in water samples in the warm time of year was almost 13 times higher compared to winter. Value of the index total count microorganisms in the sludge was greater than the value in the bottom water in the winter almost 250 times, and in the summer - in 456 times. The best results if the value-titer test samples of water reservoir were obtained in the winter: if index-titer during this period of the year was less than 0,1 in 8,3 % of the study sample. In summer, the water indicator coli titer was less than 0,1 in 58,3 % of cases. Number of E.coli in the surface water in the winter, the average was within 1-3 cfu / cm 3, and in the summer months, – 5-11 cfu/cm3. In the bottom water in the winter the number of E.coli was on average in the range 0-1 cfu/cm3, and summer 5-9 cfu/cm3.
Evaluation of dependence between the sanitary and hygienic conditions of water reservoir and the degree of surface contamination of freshwater fish coating |
Nazarenko S.M.
The bottom layer of water is usually rich biological pollution, inorganic and organic origin, and fish is the object which accumulates these pollution. Among the many species of microorganisms in the wastewater and then a putrid pond water present, pathogenic and opportunistic bacterial forms. In cumulative bacteria can cause illness in most aquatic organisms, and cause the reduction of shelf life caught fish in live form, and have a negative impact on the quality of raw materials and the resulting products and consumer health.
The article presents data on the relationship between the sanitary condition of water reservoir and the degree of contamination of coatings and gills of freshwater fish. It has been established that bacterial contamination of fish coatings was the following: flake carp – 14±0,15 m.c. (microbial cells) in the field of view of the microscope; silver carp – 25±0,32 m.c. in view of the microscope; white carp – 16±0,18 m.c. in view of the microscope. Smear microscopy gills fingerprint is: scaly carp – 20±0,22 m.c. in view of the microscope; silver carp - 34±0,48 m. c. in view of the microscope; white carp – 23±0,28 m.c. in view of the microscope. The researches show that among the bacteria found in water a significant part occupy Gram-negative bacteria, which include semi- patogenic microorganisms, which include bacteria genera Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, and Gram-positive Micrococcus, Listeria, Corynebacterium.
Despite the high bacterial contamination of water and isolation of pathogenic E. coli strains O86 serovariant in fish were found bacteria pathogenic to humans.
Research on this issue will further improve the existing sanitary standards for water and develop effective control measures for fishery ponds.
Aspects of cleaning and disinfection of the production equipment in dairy procedding plants using "Molsan" |
Maksimenko P.N.
Comprehensive study of meat products with using mikrobiologic and histological methods |
Staroselska A.L. |
Aerosol disinfection of the hatchery and equipment SanStim at colibacillosis, aspergillosis birds |
Kovalenko I.V. |
The hemagglutination activity of Newcastle disease virus in the different temperature of the save |
Garagulya G.I., Garkava V.V.
Pathogen Newcastle disease - a virus family Paramyxoviridae, which belongs to the paramyxovirus serotype 1 birds. Different strains of the virus differ from one another biological properties (virulence, tropism, hemagglutination activity).
Hemagglutination activity of the virus is used to differentiate strains. Hemagglutinin lentohennoho B1 strain 12 hours culturing cells shell accumulates in credits 1: 16-1: 32, and hemagglutynin velohennoho T / 53 virus strain - the higher the credits - 1: 64-1: 128.
Hemagglutination reaction can be used to indicate the virus in virusovmisnomu material and to determine the amount of virus obtained by culturing, as well as study the impact of various factors on the preservation of the virus. In studying this topic, we paid much attention to the definition of the terms of short-term and long-term storage of the virus.
Reducing hemagglutination activity of the virus is likely to +37 0C temperatures than +20 0 C and almost no different in the two versions of vaccines. Compared with the control virus, 48 hours room temperature reduced hemagglutination activity of both vaccine strains of viruses that demonstrated a decrease in tire three logarithms (8 times), and when stored in an incubator for the same period hemagglutination titer of virus fell by 4 logarithms (or 16 times).
Account of the virus storage at refrigerator (+4 0 C) was carried out in 20, 24 and 48 hours and 12 days and two months. The term observations during storage of the virus in the freezer (-18 0 C) lasted 4 months.
Refrigerator temperature + 40C causes a decrease in viral titer by 2 logarithms after 48 hours, 3 - 12 days and 5 - in two months. Freezing helped to keep the virus at the virus control (12 logarithms) for 12 days, but the storage of 2 months the virus titer decreased by 4, and 4 months - 5 logarithms, ie 32 times.
In the article Newcastle disease virus hemagglutination activity and the role of the temperature (-18 0С, +4 0С, +20 0С та +37 0С) was studied. It was found that the hemagglutination activity decrease by 4-16 times in the time of save if the temperature increase.
Sensitivity to antibiotics intestines bacteria of laboratory animals |
Garkava V.V., Vaschyk E.V., Chornous A.V., Garagulya G.I.
Cyclical industrial production of livestock and the need for antibiotics leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their persistence both in animals and in livestock buildings. Without knowledge of the sensitivity of pathogens to antimicrobial impossible to plan tactics rational antibiotic therapy.
In the article sensitivity to nine antibiotics bacteria of laboratory animals was studied. It was found that Enterobacteriaceae has various and low sensitivity, and Staphylococcaceae – stable and high sensitivity.
Antibiotic Sensitivity of selected isolates of bacteria varies and ranges from high to form a lysis zone 15 mm, average area lysis of 7-15 mm to the total resistance without formation zone lysis.
For Enterobacteriaceae isolated from both mice and chickens from characteristic is used to polirezystentnist antibiotics. Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from mice were resistant to 5-6 antibiotics and enterobacteria chickens - 4-5 drugs. For staphylococci isolated from both species, characterized by high sensitivity to most drugs, the eight isolates of bacteria resistant family Staphylococcaceae six only two antibiotics (ampicillin and norfloxacin). Bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, isolated from mice as well as from chickens found polirezystent antibiotics to 4-6 from 9 used in the study (lysis zone from 0 to 13.75 mm).
Bacteria family Staphylo Coccaceae show high sensitivity to drugs 7 of 9 used in the study (lysis zone of 19.25 to 41.25 mm).
All isolates microorganisms sensitive to ceftriaxone (21,75-41,25 mm), ofloxacin (20,5-22,75 mm) and ciprofloxacin (19,75-23,0 mm). Resistance revealed only to ampicillin (0-12,5 mm). A significant difference in sensitivity found to lincomycin, doxycycline, cefazolin and gentamicin, enterobacteria them insufficiently sensitive (0-16,5 mm), and staphylococci - had a high sensitivity (19,25-35,25 mm).
Escherichia newborn piglets and their prevention |
Kovalenko L.M., Kovalenko A.I., Kovalenko A.O.
The bottom layer of water is usually rich biological pollution, inorganic and organic origin, and fish is the object which accumulates these pollution. Among the many species of microorganisms in the wastewater and then a putrid pond water present, pathogenic and opportunistic bacterial forms. In cumulative bacteria can cause illness in most aquatic organisms, and cause the reduction of shelf life caught fish in live form, and have a negative impact on the quality of raw materials and the resulting products and consumer health.
The article presents data on the relationship between the sanitary condition of water reservoir and the degree of contamination of coatings and gills of freshwater fish. It has been established that bacterial contamination of fish coatings was the following: flake carp – 14±0,15 m.c. (microbial cells) in the field of view of the microscope; silver carp – 25±0,32 m.c. in view of the microscope; white carp – 16±0,18 m.c. in view of the microscope. Smear microscopy gills fingerprint is: scaly carp – 20±0,22 m.c. in view of the microscope; silver carp - 34±0,48 m. c. in view of the microscope; white carp – 23±0,28 m.c. in view of the microscope. The researches show that among the bacteria found in water a significant part occupy Gram-negative bacteria, which include semi- patogenic microorganisms, which include bacteria genera Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae, and Gram-positive Micrococcus, Listeria, Corynebacterium.
Despite the high bacterial contamination of water and isolation of pathogenic E. coli strains O86 serovariant in fish were found bacteria pathogenic to humans.
Research on this issue will further improve the existing sanitary standards for water and develop effective control measures for fishery ponds.
Experiment of production strain M. bovis Valle-KMIEV-9KM |
Holovko V.A., Kassich O.V., Kassich V.U., Kolesnikova K.U., Koshelnik V.H.
Effective fight against tuberculosis animals is possible only with the full study Epizootology disease, pathogen biology, pathogenesis, prevention methods, economic and environmental factors that influence the disease on the condition of livestock effective means of specific diagnostics. The main method in vivo animal studies TB is internally allergic skin test using PPD-tuberculin for mammals.
In accordance with the EU-PPD tuberculin for mammals must be made of strains M.bovis «Valle», while the production of protein purified derivativTuberculin (PPD) for mammals in the standard solution; TYY 24.00497087.645-2001, production strain is «M.bovis ІEKVM-1. Therefore razrabotkaka dry cleaned PPD-tuberkulioіv of strains M.bovis «Valle» for Ukraine is urgent.
Mycobacterium strain M.bovis Valle KIEV-9 and productive strain of M. bovis Valle is KMIEV-9km alcohol-acid bacteria, the Tsilem-Nielsen painted in red, have flagella; capsules and spores do not form.
In smears made from crops grown on solid and liquid synthetic and elective nutrient media: Helberha, Lowenstein-Iyensena, synthetic nutrient medium for the rapid accumulation of bacterial mass, painted on a purpose-Nielsen mycobacteria have the form of rods, measuring 0,3-0, 6 x 1.5 m (10 microns). Inside sticks sometimes visible grain and pellets. At the MPA and MPB Mycobacterium strain Valle is not cultivated (no growth). However, at a temperature of 370 C bacteria strains studied, give the characteristic growth as a white or cream-colored colonies R- or S- form (subsequently merged colony, keep a continuous film) on the surface of solid elective egg and potato culture media. On the surface of liquid synthetic nutrient Sotona various modifications mycobacteria growing in a dense surface film with loops and grow. Getting mycobacterial growth observed at 12-18 (15-60 for less) days of cultivation.
In the study drugs M.bovis Valle strain on the environment and Pavlovsky Lowenstein-Iyensena noted that bovine mycobacteria species have the form of straight or slightly curved short or moderately long ovoyidnyh sticks with rounded ends
Investigated strains of Mycobacterium bovine species M.bovis Valle KMIEV-9 and KMIEV-9km have characteristic morphological, biological, cultural and biochemical properties and are vysokoproteyinohennym, which makes them promising the production of PPD-tuberculin for mammals.
Analysis of sensitivity of microflora isolated in pigfarms of Sumy region to antibiotics |
Maksimenko N.A, Linok L.E, Fotin A.V. |
The effectiveness of the treatment of necrotic enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens |
Olefir I.A. |
Improving of the vaccination effectiveness for chickens with the help of immune stimulation |
Olefir A.N. |
Features clinical manifestations and course hemophilosis in chickens |
Plys V.N. |
Reovirus infection of musk ducks and biological properties of the virus |
NikolaenkoY.Y. |
Effect of antibacterial drug "tseftiocur" wich based on tseftiocur sodium at bacterial infections of broiler chickens |
Fotina A.A., Dvorska J.E., Fotin A.I., Bondarenko P.G. |
Polimerazno-chain reaction at diagnosis of respiratory infections of pigs |
Avramenko N.O. |
The morphological response of the immune system of turkeys to infection with E.coli |
Zon G.A., Ivanovskaya L.B., Bezvershenko О.S.
Despite the modern technology of growing turkeys, which provide relatively high sanitary standards and use pryventyvnyh measures to prevent infectious diseases, the death rate from this type of bird esheryhiozu remains very high.
At the moment is current early diagnosis methods esheryhiozu, the most promising of which are considered immunology. Development must be based on recent scientific studies of the immune system and its response to antigenic effect of pathogenic Escherichia.
In the study of immune status and T-lymphoid structures of tissue (bursa Fabricius, thymus, lymphoid cluster of intestines and lungs) and spleen of infected turkeys of all ages, it was found that the relative weight of the studied dramatically decreased. The biggest differences with benchmarks for bursa Fabricius and spleen were recorded in the 30-day age (2 times) and thymus in the 40-day age (2.5-3 times).
In histopathological study in the spleen, regardless of age turkeys recorded limforetykulyar hypoplasia. In the liver against the background of the destructive processes of accumulation pathogen found among the Structural parenchyma or consequences reaction to his presence - mikrofahalnu reaction. In the gut lymphoid formations found active cell proliferation toward destruktovanyh crypts and villi mucosal and submucosal layers.
Immune organs and lymphoid tissue accumulation turkeys infected with pathogenic E. coli, is actively respond to antigenic effect of the parasite. Excessive antigenic stimulation pathogenic organism Escherichia leads to the depletion of the immune system, depression of resistance and death turkeys.
The infection of E. coli of turkeys of 10-60 days has negative effects of their immune system. At first the pathogenic strains of E. coli sharply activate its immune system and then suppressing it. The involution processes accelerate in thymus. The reduction of lymphoid elements and suppression of regenerative processes occurs in bursa of Fabricius. This indicates the pronounced effect of suppression of the immune system of turkeys by the infection of pathogenic strains of E. coli.
Dissemination nematosis of horses |
Lazorenko L.N. |
Gistomonoz peacocks in private households |
Panasenko O.S., Negreba U.V. |
Distribution cattles fasciolosis in the forest-steppe zone |
Koval I.V. |
Influence of forms soluble ivermectin on morphological parameters of blood by laying dermanisiozu |
Nagorna L. |
Aminoacid composition and biological value porcine for use the complex disinfectants |
Shkromada O.I., Ulko l.G. |
Efect of ozone-air mixture on the skin mammary gland of cows during its disinfection |
Skliar I.O. |
The influence of ursovit-adec and mevesel-injecting on level lipid peroxidation products in acute cadmium toxicosis |
Gutyj B.V.
The problem of environmental pollution by cadmium, which is one of the consequences of the intensification of industrial and agricultural production, has assumed special urgency. The growth of the metal content in soils of Ukraine and other countries in recent decades accompanied Cd2 + accumulation in agricultural products and feed, increasing threats to human health and animals.
The intensity of lipid peroxidation in acute cadmium toxicity. Was found elevated levels of intermediate and final products of lipid peroxidation in serum bulls who asked cadmium chloride at a dose of 0,3 mg/kg. Scientifically proved the feasibility of using ursovit ADEС and mevesel-injection for the correction of equilibrium in a complex antioxidant system and lipid peroxidation okynsennya blood of bulls in conditions of acute cadmium toxicity. They enhance the detoxification function of the liver and inhibit lipid peroxidation processes.
After administration of drugs to animals during poisoning, the level of malondialdehyde from the first to the tenth hour of the experiment decreased gradually. After the application for the treatment of bulls Ursovitu-ADEС, level of malondialdehyde in the first hour was 4 %, and in the second hour – 8 % higher against its level in clinically healthy animals. After the application for the treatment of bulls mevesel-injection, the first and second hours malondialdehyde level was respectively 18,2 % and 16,5 % higher compared with clinically healthy animals.
The use of experimental drugs, "Ursovitu address" and "gay-injection" under conditions of acute cadmium toxicity, normalizes the intensity of lipid peroxidation, as indicated by a decrease in intermediate and final products of lipid peroxidation in the blood serum of experimental animals. For acute cadmium toxicity bulls better pharmacological effect in reducing excessive lipid peroxidation in animals shows mevesel-injecting less - ursovit-ADEС.
The influence of ursovit-ades and sodium selenite on the activity of enzymes hlutations system of antioxidant defense of calves organism under conditions of nitrate-nitrite toxicosis |
Huberuk V., Gutyj B., Hufriy D. |
The evolution of the conception and farrowing sows against the background of previous pathologies of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period |
Kharenko M.I., Chernenko A.A., Kostiuchenko O.A.
Problems improve the performance of insemination of sows in specialized farms that grow pigs, regardless of production technology, were, are and remain the key to each of these farms, because these annual figures positively affect the amount received farrowing, and, accordingly, the number of offsprings from each sow individually displayed, as the cost of the resulting offspring, and the profitability of the industry as a whole.
The research gives informative data on dynamics of fecundation, farrowing rates and rejection of first farrowing saws and saws of the main herd on pig farms. Regardless of implemented technology on the farm, including modern technology, it has been found, that these rates are directly dependent on the rate of previous pathology of pregnancy, delivering and afterbirth period, which negatively influence the intensiveness of the main herd usage and break down the profitability of pig breeding.
The rates of first farrowing saws insemination after depriving of piglets, provided with pathology of delivering can be within the limits of 50,0 % to 75,0 %, and insemination of the saws of the main herd can be within the limits of 50,0 % to 77,77 %, taking into consideration the season and the implemented technology. With the physiological pregnancy in limits of 91,07 -97,32 % for firs farrowing saws and 96,00-98,46 % for saws of the main herd.
The rates of first farrowing saws insemination after depriving of piglets, provided with pathology of delivering can be within the limits of 70,83-91,66 %, and insemination of the saws of the main herd can be within the limits of 69,23-79,48 %, taking into consideration the season and the implemented technology. With the physiological pregnancy in limits of 81,48-95,56 % for firs farrowing saws and 73,95 % и 93,25 % for saws of the main herd.
The study and analysis of indicators of insemination of sows and receiving Farrowings against the background of previous pathologies of pregnancy, confinement and the postnatal period compared with physiological pregnancy, confinement and the postnatal period will in the future implement effective preventive measures to decrease female infertility and increasing the intensity of breeding stock in pig farms, regardless of the technology implemented their work.
Monitoring levels of stress markers in spinal-epidural anesthesia surgery in dogs |
Rublenko S.V., Melnikov A.V.
In recent decades, modern medicine has made considerable progress in the study of pain in animals. However difficult to assess pain intensity only changes the general condition of the animal. In this regard, the identification of animals is under pain of secondary symptoms, which include: the behavior, physiological and clinical response.
The results of studies of the effect of spinal-epidural analgesia on the level of stress markers (glucose and cortisol levels) during surgery. The data presented rapid determination of capillary blood glucose. Identify indicators of glucose (in whole blood samples) and cortisol (in serum) at complex application of neuroleptics and local anesthetics for regional anesthesia in dogs. Established limit increase cortisol levels, in which the body of the dog does not undergo significant metabolic changes in pain response when performing spinal anesthesia. The above data on the effects on glucose metabolism and secretion of cortisol local anesthetics (lidocaine, bupivacaine), neuroleptics xylazine, medetomidine, general anesthetics propofol and thiopental sodium.
According to research results, taking into account the above at increasing the secretion of cortisol and glucose response affects catabolic reactions associated with pain.
The use of spinal-epidural anesthesia allows you to block afferent nerve impulses in the area of injury, reduces catabolic response to surgery. Medetomidyn, xylazine, propofol contribute to excess blood glucose increased on average by 52 %, which is by 6,5±0,41 mmol/l to 9,3±1,93 mmol/l. This should pay attention to the performance of sedation animals glycemic risk of shock. For spinal-epidural anesthesia increase cortisol levels to an average of 400 nmol/l no evidence of pain in dogs.
Further research in this area will make it possible to take into account the level of stress hormone optimization schemes for anesthesia.
Daily dynamics of the branches of pathological childbirth according to season |
Kharenko M.I., Chekan O,M., Toderjuk I.V.
While deciding the problem of meat production in Ukraine, a special place is given to hog breeding, as for the most profitable brunch of fast growing animal husbandry. Thus, loss of reproductive ability of sows show negative effect on effectiveness of their use and untimely cull, which influences the prime cost of hog breeding production
Reproductive ability of breeding stock to pig farms in Ukraine, regardless of their ownership and embedded technologies, including for investment projects, primarily affects both the economic levers pig industry and the production of cheap and capable of competitive products in the country. Pathology of families and loss of reproductive ability of sows is one of the urgent problems of veterinary medicine, causing a negative impact on the intensity of their use and their premature culling. All this is reflected in the cost of pig production.
The effectiveness of usage of spawning school is greatly influenced by pathologic delivering. The article gives informative and analytical data on daily dynamics of laboring with pathologic delivering taking into consideration the season of the year. The main reasons of pathologic delivering of sows on both hog farms with implemented modern technologies has been determined. Among them disorders of delivering process, birth channels pathology, macrocarpous, wrong position of fetus to birth channels without accounting the delay of placenta. Researching hag farms “AX” in 2012 registered 153 cases of pathologic deliveries, in 2013 -165 cases, hog farm “Temp” in 2012 -132 cases in 2013 - 128 cases. Special attention is given to the reasons of delivering dynamics disorders namely low primary laboring, low second laboring and high laboring. Daily dynamics of delivering disorders taking into consideration the season has been studied on both hog farms for tow years(2012-2013). The most cases of delivering found at daytime (8 a.m- 4 p.m) - 45,5 % the least number of cases at night (11 p.m – 4 a.m) – 5,3 %.
Sonographic description of the mares' ovary during the sexual cycle |
Podvaluk D., Podvaluk Y.
The article highlights the changes in the state of integrated indicators of gonads' sizes (IIGS) that characterize the follicle and lyuteogenesis by the results of sonographic studies of the ovaries of mares, depending on the stage of the sexual cycle. The research will contribute to the identification of sexual dysfunction conditions of gonads in mares during their reproductive cycle on the early stages and as a consequence – the prevention of diseases of the genital organs and infertility.
The effectiveness of the prevention of obstetrical and gynecological diseases and infertility in mares primarily depends on an objective assessment of the reproductive organs. Ultrasound visualization of aimed organs significantly complements to the traditional methods of clinical examination and thus reduces the number of diagnostic mistakes. With the use of ultrasound it is possible to visualize many structures that are not detected by palpation.
That is why the main goal of our study was to find out the ultrasound characteristics of folliculogenetic and lyuteogenetics changes in the ovaries of mares during the sexual cycle.
As the result of ultrasonographyc investigations it was found that gonads in mares continue to grow and develop folicules from the second to tens day of the sexual cycle. An ovarian tissue on the screen have had mean echogenecity (gray color) and follicles were looked anehogenically mostly as dark structures with sharp edges. On the early stage of sexual cycle there were found from 3 to 5 follicles with a diameter of 0,6-2,3 cm in the ovaries of the tested mares. However, by transrectal palpation vesicular follicles were found in the first day of sexual cyclet only in 2 (14%) mares, the second – in 6 (43%), on the third – in 2 (14%) and the fourth day – in 4 (29%) of animals. In the middle of sexual cycle the follicle diameter increased to 2,70 ± 0,12 cm, which was significantly more (P <0.001) than during the first day of the course – 1,3 ± 0,14 sm. In most of the mares before ovulation the form of dominant follicle varied by changing its shape from round to oval and further elongation. Meanwhile, on the 3-5th day of sexual cycle small follicles were round and large ones – elongated, that was indicating of their atresia.
Acoustic characteristics of corpora lutea during the sexual cycle also changed. During the 3-5th day after ovulation the corpus luteum were hypoechoic and had a dark gray color. The results if this observation indicate that the young corpus luteal tissue is permeated by many blood vessels. At the end of the sexual cycle, resulting in reduction of blood flow in the yellow bodies, increasing the density of the tissue, lead to a change in its ability to reflect the ultrasonic beam. Because of that, on the monitor ultrasound device, corpus luteum had heterogeneous structure and was characterized by medium echogenicity (gray) and almost was not different from ovarian tissue, which was indicating their involution. From the 3rd to the 18th day of sexual cycle the size of corpora lutea decreased, due to their involution
Application of ozone therapy in reproduction of sheep and goats |
Sklyarov P.M., Koshovoy V.P., Fedorenko S.Y.
The article examines the possibility of using ozone therapy in reproduction of sheep and goats.
A method of treatment of goats with acute postpartum catarrhal-purulent endometritis and ram with nonspecific balanoposthitis by a comprehensive program which point the program using antimicrobials were replaced and tested drugs OKO (ozone corn oil) and Prozon (integrated product ozonated corn oil and alcohol solution propolis). Drugs were administered intrauteral and intrapreputsial at a dose of 5-15 ml, with an interval of 24-48 hours, 3-4 time.
Using the proposed method was effective. Thus, treatment of postpartum goats catarrhal-purulent metritis with the drug OKO duration from the beginning to the disappearance of clinical signs of disease was 8,1 ± 0,28 days, and drug Prozon – 6,4 ± 0,56 days for fertility after first insemination 60% and 80% respectively. Compared to the scheme it is possible to shorten the course of therapy in 1,1 and 2,8 days, and fertility – by 17,2% and 37,2% respectively for the use of eye and Prozon. Thus the cost of treatment of one animal were 42 UAH and 49 UAH, thus ensuring economic efficiency at 54% and 46% respectively.
For treatment of sheep with balanoposthitis nonspecific duration of treatment to cure for drug use OKO was at 6,9 ± 0,25 days, Prozon – 5,5 ± 0,23 days. That course of therapy compared with the scheme was shorter by 0,8 days and 2,2 days, respectively. Thus the cost of treatment of one animal were 48 UAH and 53 UAH, and cost efficiency 42% and 36% respectively for the use of eye and Prozon.
The obtained results imply that ozone therapy is an effective treatment for sheep and goats with obstetric and andrology pathology. It can be considered as an alternative use of antibiotics either alone or in combination with other medical treatment of animals.
Efficiency of uterus subinvolution and postpartum endometritis prophylaxis in cows against the background of Micromycetes and their toxins feed contamination |
Strelnikova N.O.
Effect of medication on parameters of nonspecific immunity and antioxidant protection of piglets under stress at weaning |
Fotina T.І., Rebenko G.І.
Modern technologies of pigs growing provide food to maintain stability of the state, but have a major drawback: the high performance requirements of animals causing conflict between the physiological capacity of the organism of pigs at high growth rates and conditions of their existence
The analysis of results of testing medications as a means to eliminate stress at weaning of piglets are given in the article.
Drugs in the composition containing butafosfan have the ability to enhance phagocytosis in pigs vidluchnoho age – phagocytic activity of neutrophils in the research groups of pigs was on average 4,5 % higher compared with those of a control group that received vitamin drug, and 14,4 % higher than intact pigs.
Preparations containing Butafosfan enhance phagocytosis, stimulate cell-mediated nonspecific immunity, increas the effectiveness of the system antioxidant protection in piglet`s organism under stress at weaning. Tendency to increase the activity of aminotransferases is observed in groups where was used Fos- Bevit and Vitazal. Application of preparations had an effect to reduce the level of stress in piglets at weaning (reduced cortisol levels). Medications Fos- Bevit and Vitazal aroused as the best daily average weight gains compared with the control.
In the hematology study of peripheral blood research piglets after transfer them to sow revealed increasing the total number of white blood cells by an average of 7,1 % of the physiological age norms (17x109 / L).
Prospects for further research in this area is to develop recommendations on the use of drugs and Foz Bevit Vitazal in pig farming.
The method of correcting hygienic behavior of bees in the application of the placenta drags |
Kisternaya A.S.
The use of placental drug of PDE effects on the development of bee colonies and activation of sanitary - hygienic behavior was founded. The link-level of hygienic cleaning of bee colonies are depends from using the drug of PDE this modified method.
The modified default method (intra + aerosol) ща placental drug is an additional motivating factor of bee colonies bee at critical periods in the account for the low entomophile flowering plants in the Northeastern region of Ukraine in early spring. Combined method research in families of different strengths generally increased the number of streets with bees 1 compared with the method (internally); 1,3 - compared with the control (syrup); 1,8 - families without support. In the weak power of households increased by 2,5; 2; Streets bees 1.1 respectively, indicating a need for binding enabling families support the weak spring.
The level of hygienic cleaning in colonies was determined after 24 hours: the group of colony bees that have of PDE of modified method and have the sanitary and hygienic behavior – 95,3 %; the group has of sugar syrup – 90,3 %, the group hasn't stimulation – 79,7 %. The sanitary and hygienic behavior of bees in the spring can be regarded as index that characterizes the ability of bees to resist of infectious diseases of brood.
Bees family and enough high-developed hygienic behavior (degree of purification of > 90 %), characterized by a strong defensive reaction that constrains the intensive development of infections brood. Signs of infestation to brood diseases after stimulation of research strengths families were absent; Families with medium strength – at 1-2 %; in weak receiving only syrup – 2 %; in families that had no stimulation found 8 % of affected bee colonies.
The modified method of setting stimulants to correct hygienic behavior of bees should represent beekeepers as one that is aimed at the development of bee colonies natural ability to resist disease brood. To assess the level of hygienic behavior and prevent the occurrence of diseases in apiaries offer to hold fast "paper" test.
Dependent mechanism of death from the morphological status of the animal |
Skripka M.V., Kolych N.B., Garkava V.V. |
Features of papilloma digital dermatitis in heifers and cows first born |
Pryadko V.P., Berezovsky A.V.
The treatment of cows at a subclinical endometritis and its prevention |
Krajewski A.I., Kurguz N.N. |