Content |
Daily dynamics of the use mammary gland Chlorine in colostric period lactation |
Kambur M.D., Plyuta L.V. |
Determination of the functional status of immune system for dogs by electrodynamic method |
Bobritskaya O.N., Yugai K.D. |
Physiological and biochemical processes in the body of rabbits at watering sodium sulfate, chloride, citrate, chromium and suspensions of Сhlorella |
Lesуk Ya.V., Fedoruk R. S. |
The influence of "Mikrostimulina" on haematological parameters and productivity of cows with a different tone of the autonomic nervous system |
Karpovsky P., Postoj R., Kryvoruchko D., Trokoz V., Tomchuk V., Karpovsky V., Landsman A., Karpovsky V., Kaplunenko V. |
The relationship between the processes of biosynthesis in prezheludkah ruminants and mineral content in the diet |
Antypin S.L., Yugay K.G., Zhukova I.O., Longus N.I., Kochevenko O.S. |
Content of fatty acids in the tissues of honey bees and ambrosia depending on the environmental conditions |
Kovalchuk I.I., Rivis Y.F., Fedoruk R.S. |
Coagulogram blood of cows at the end of the second early in the third period of gestation |
Lisovenko V.M. |
Condition of protein metabolism in cows and calves Charolais breed in the process of adaptation |
Doroshenko K.I., Katsy G.D. |
The effectiveness of intravascular laser irradiation of blood on the basis of changes of serum biochemical parameters in the treatment of inflammatory processes in horses and cows |
Kulynytsh S.M., Panasova T.G., Skryl V.U., Jurtschenko I.I. |
Effect of freezing-warming thawing on the preservation of erythrocytes companion animals |
Kambur M., Zamaziy A., Pikhtireva A., Kassich V. |
Use precursors for the synthesis of constituents milk cows of breast tissue in the first lactation cycle |
Kambur M., Zamaziy A., Pikhtireva A., Kassich V. |
Anatomical features and hematologic changes in urate diathesis in young chickens |
Livoschenko E.M., Kambur M.D., Livoschenko L.P. |
Immunostimulating effects of drugs from plant material |
Trofimov A.F., Karput V.A. |
Sanitary-hygienic assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the physiological state of the experimental animals |
Selina V.O., Tarasenko L.A. |
Effectiveness of the drug "Be-Dez" with disinfection of premises in the presence of рoultry |
Fotina G.A. |
Effect of different types of diet on the consumption of drinking water in cows |
Sokolyuk V. |
Determination of the effectiveness of rehabilitation preddoilnoy udder solution experimental drug on the sanitary quality of milk |
Maksymenko P. |
The theoretical and experimental consideration of basic ways of transmission of causative agents of food infections |
Kasyanenko O. I., Gladchenko S. M., SobinaМ. М. |
Pollution control fishery ponds wastewater livestock farms |
Nazarenko S.M. |
Investigation of the effect of peracetic acid on structural indicators and the level of gas permeability of shell eggs for hatching chickens |
Astrahanceva E., Bordunova O., Cherniavskaya T., Izmaylova N. |
Determination of morphological and chemical properties of the meat of carp in the treatment of aeromonas |
Petrov R.V. |
Disinfectant Bi-DezTM for sanitation of poultry house airspace |
Fotina T.I., Fotina A.A., Olefir I.A. |
Influence nanoparticles of metals on hematological indicators and healing terms at the closed fractures of bones at dogs |
Telyatnikov A.V. |
Method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in plants fervently-nectariferous |
Kasyanchuk V.V., Bergilevich O.M., Skrypka G.A. |
Analysis of fatty acid composition of raw milk obtained by modern techology of milking |
Marchenko A., Berhilevych О. |
The main microbiological risks in assessing the sanitary-hygienic condition of production of milk on farms |
BerhilevichO., Kasianchuk V., Grishina E., Teryohina O. |
Bactericidal activity of preparation "Biotcydin" |
Shkromada O.I. |
Zootechnical parameters of indoor climate and their impact on the sanitary condition of the udder |
Skliar I.O. |
New approaches to efficientstimulation in beekeeping |
Kysternaya A.S., Musyenko A.V. |
Virucidal activity of disinfectants "BI-Dez" against the pathogen African swine fever |
Babaruk A.V. |
The influence of disinfection preparation “Geocid” on the morphological and immunological status of laboratory animals |
Kovalenko V.M., Lyasota V.P., Balatskyi Y.O. |
Epizootologichesky monitoring, clinical signs and pathological changes in the case of pasteurellosis (Cholera) birds in association with certain infectious and parasitic diseases |
Plys V.M., Photina T.I. |
The cytokine profile of blood serum of piglets during spontaneous flow associated bacteriosis and balantidioza |
Pelenjo R.A., Stybelj V.V., Ushkalov V.O. |
Microscopic changes in the organs of fetuses aborted cows with leptospirosis |
Ukhovskyi V.V., Borisevich B.V. |
Тне method of prevent of pseudomonosis infection of bird embryos |
Zon G.A., Vaschik Y.V., Kuznecova О.О. |
Studies on sensitivity of isolates isolated from diseased animals to antibiotic means compared with the test microorganisms |
Hudz N. |
The study of the microbiota of the tonsils of pigs and air piggeries |
Rebenko G.I., Voropay Yu.V., Deulya A.V. |
Study of chlamydial infection among predators felines and canines |
Ksyonz I., Tsivenko T. |
Dynamics of the quality of the uterine microbiocenosis in cows with an ACUTE purulent-catarrhal endometritis and correction of probiotic strains |
Glotov E. E. |
The influence of feed additive containing luminosilicate minerals on rat organism |
Kotsiumbas I.Ya., Brezvyn O.M., Chudiak M.M., Rudyk H.V., Kurylas L.V. |
Diagnostics of eymeriosis for rabbits |
Panasenko A.S., Negreba Y. V., Lazorenko L.N. |
Dynamics strongiloidoznoy infestation of pigs in Ukraine |
Ponomar S., Antipov A., Kichilyuk Y. |
Features of biology and ecology populations of red mite in poultry farms Ukraine |
Nagorna L.V. |
The study of the immunostimulatory effect of the drug Arselan at a profound form of dogs trichophytia |
Kovalenko V.L., Nesterenkova V.V. |
The spectre of helminthosis in terrarium reptile and their treatment in Ukraine |
Stoyanov L.A. |
Determination of acute toxicity "Brovatriol" for laboratory animals |
Rustamova S.I., Aliyev R.M. |
Dynamics of physiological and productive performance of goats using probiotic "Vitakorm-Bio" |
Zhukova I.O. |
Indicators immunophysiological status of pigs in the application of antimicrobials drugs Flovet and Florikol |
Muzyka V.P., Lisova N.E. |
Study of humoral and cellular immunity of carp in the application of an immune stimulant "Amiksin" |
Ushkalov V. A., Krushelnytska O. V. |
Morphometric parameters of the endometrium of cows after complex treatment of purulent-catarrhal endometritis using bio-stimulator Seleran |
Balim Yu.P. |
The frequency of cystic degeneration of the ovaries in high-yielding cows |
Rosca F.G., Krajewski A.J. |
Diagnosis of subclinical mastitis from cows |
Skliar O.I. |
Histomorphological and biochemical indices of the uterus and ovaries using Gn-Rg analogue for stimulate estrus in sheep |
Grymak C. |
Fertilizing capacity of boar semen in using an aqueous extract of propolis in the composition of semen extender |
Sharan N., Horchyn S. |
A method of treatment of subclinical endometritis in cows |
Kornyat S.B., Andrushko O.B., Sharan M.M., Jaremchuk I.M. |
Changes in the cellular composition of vaginal smears females in different phases of the sexual cycle |
Radokhlib A.H., Krajewski A.J. |
Differential diagnosis of tubal pathology neopladotvornyh cows that their treatment |
Kalinovskiy G.M., Shnaider V.L., Omelyanenko M.M. |
Pheromons and features of structure of paranasal organ for cows |
Fedorenko S. |
Serous swelling breast cows during the dry period. Ultrasonographic and thermographic diagnostics |
Onishenko A.V. |
The influence of structural and functional condition and temperature gonads оf boar the degree of andro- and spermatogenesis |
Naumenko S. |
Serous edema of the udder of cows in lactation period. Ultrasonographic and thermographic diagnostics |
Pasternak A.М. |
Dynamics manifestations of sexual cycles sows against the background of previous pathologies of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period |
Charenko N.I., Chernenko A.A., Kostuchenko O.A. |
Analysis of cases of false intrafamilial females in the clinic "Vetservis" Sumy |
Parashchenko V.V., Zon G.A, Paraschenko I.V. |
Therapeutic efficacy and immunoregulatory effects of oxytetracycline on the body of cows with endometritis during different methods of administration |
Bodnar A.A. |
Effect of incoherent polarized light on spermatogenesis sires |
Kalinowski G.N., Evtukh L.G. |
Theoretical and practical aspects use drag ЕvitSel to calves with bronchopneumonia |
Ulko L.G., Ryzhkova A.E. |
Treatment of dogs with skin pathology in the veterinary clinic "Vetdopomoha" Sumy |
Kletsov А.М. |