Content |
Perspective landscape wildlife area "Gulbische" in Sula's valley in Sumy region |
K.K. Karpenko, Yu.L. Sklyar |
Effect of fertilizers for development of callistephus chinensis |
Т. Melnyk, O. Surgan, A. Melnyk |
Features of natural regrowth of dominate forest tree species in the "Retitskay dacha"array |
V.G. Sklyar, V.M. Degtyaryov |
Improving of protection system against grape anthracnose (Gloeosporium ampelophagum Sacc.) in industrial grapeyards in the south of Ukraine |
N.V. Aleinikova, O.D. Ivanisova |
The influence of sowing terms on pest quantyty and soybean yiel in conditions of North-east of Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
V.I. Nagornyj, V.M. Demenko, V.N. Anishchenko |
Seed-born infection of winter wheat in the Ukrainian Polissia |
T. Rozhkova, V.Tatarinova, A. Dmytrivska, V. Poleev |
Entomofauna of the hempy agrobiocenosis |
V.V. Kabanec |
Monitoring of phytopathogenic grains complex in the North-eastern Forest- steppe of Ukraine |
V.I. Tatarinova, V.A. Vlasenko, T.A. Rozhkova, O.L. Govorun, N.V. Hilko |
Development of mealy dew and fruit decay depending on high-quality features of the apple-tree |
A.А. Dmitrivskaya, T.O. Rozhkova, V.I. Tatarinova, I. Batig |
The role of phytonematology in system of plant protection |
А.М. Yemets, V.М. Demenko, V.N. Sarbash |
The influence of insecticide on the quantity of globodera rostochiensis in the soil |
A.V. Gurmanchuk |
Lead and cadmium in soils of agrolandscapes of Zhytomyr Polissya |
T. Myslyva |
Influence of placement of soy in crop rotations of short rotation on its productivity in the conditions of North-east Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
V.I. Nagornyj |
Danger of deflation processes of radiative contaminated territories of Volhynia Polissya |
V.A. Gavryluk, A.M. Bortnyk, V.P. Kolyada, D.O. Tymchenko |
Dynamics of content of iron moving forms in dark-grey podzolic soil under the influence of different crop fertilizing systems in grain raw-crop rotation |
V. Lopushniak |
Influence of system fertilization of jerulem potato on the state of cationic excsahange of grey forest soil of Western Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
V. Lopushniak, P. Sloboda |
State of microbiocenosis of sod-podzolic soil under the influence of organic fertilizers and bacterial substance |
O.V. Povh, I.M. Merlenko |
Agriculture greening – the way to reproduction of fertility of soils |
V.V. Gamayunova, G.T. Fedorovich |
Influence of mineral fertilizers on the nutritious mode of the dark-chestnut soil and productivity of nuta |
V.V. Gamayunova, A.V.Tomnitsky |
Improvement of technology of phytoextraction of heavy metals from the soil |
T.F.Yakovishina |
Eatures of practical training of specialists of agronomical specialties |
O.A. Vlasyuk, T.M. Homenko, T.D. Ishchenko |
Comparative assessment of balance of the humus of essential element of plant nutrition by graphic-analytical method |
O.V. Kharchenko, V.I. Prasol, Y.M. Petrenko |
Green manure crop and structural aggregate state of the soil |
Y.H. Mishchenko |
Monitoring of agrochemical indicators of soils fertility of Seredinа-Buda region of the Sumy area |
N.K. Senchenko, O.J. Ponomarenko, V.M. Martynenko |
The activity of ions of Са2+ and Na+ in soils of meadows of the rivers basin of Siversky Donets |
A.N. Кazyuta |
Influence of melioration on change of a chemical composition of natural waters of the Western Forest-steppe of the Ivano-Frankovsk area |
U.M. Karbivska, I.D. Melnik |
Formation of spring barley varieties depending on fertilization in the conditions of Forest-steppe zone |
O.I. Potopljak |
Productivity of the sainfoin depending on the way of the tillage in the conditions of North-east Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
N. G. Sobko |
The efficiency of complex water-soluble fertilizer on the winter wheat crop |
V.I. Onychko, S.I. Berdin, O.A.Kovalenko |
Influence of different ways of the till of the soil on structural and modular structure at cultivation of winter wheat |
E.A. Zakharchenko, I.M. Masik, G.A. Davidenko |
Power estimation of growing technology of sіlybum marіanum on the irrigated lands of south Ukraine |
V.A. Ushkarenko, I.M. Filipova |
Field germinating ability and spring triticale survival potential during different variants of coenotic tension |
A.A. Rozhkov, V.K. Puzik |
Dynamics of oilseed radish varieties depending on different sowing rates, ways of sowing and fertilizer |
Y.G. Tsytsyura, T.V. Tsytsyura |
Influence of weather conditions and seed inoculation on formation of bean symbiotic system in the conditions of Right-bank of Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
О.О. Кostuk |
Efficiency of flax olive depending on elements of technology of cultivation to Polesye of Ukraine |
V.G. Didora, Yu.V. Sheremet |
Formation of the photosynthetic device of soy depending on norms and crops terms in the conditions of Polesye of Ukraine |
V. G. Didora, A.I.Baranov, A.S.Stupnitska |
Influence of plant crop stands on the yield of squash fruit in the conditions of Right-bank of Forest-steppe |
V.M. Chernetskyi, І.І. Palamarchuk |
Formation of squash yield quality depending on variety characteristics and weather conditions in cultivation in the Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
L.U. Matenchuk |
Phenolic compounds bast fiber of kenaf and hemp |
I.G. Vorobijova, S.B. Bolshanina |
Effect of temperature stress and plant growth regulators on water content and supplying of the winter wheat roots sprouts |
V.A. Varavkin |
Influence of bacterial fertilizer and micronutrients on yield сapacity formation and harvest of lupine angustifolius |
I.N. Lavrуk |
Formation of the biological value of the actinidia fruit depending on the weather conditions of the vegetative period |
К. Kalajda |
Structure and balance of phytomass of apple-trees in intensive phytocenosis |
V.V. Zamorskyi |
Buckwheat productivity depending on sowing rates and fertilizer systems in the conditions of North-east Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
N.V. Radchenko, Z.Y. Dutchenko, L.T. Glushchenko. |
Influence of physiological active substances on pigment biosynthesiys in potato leaves |
V.S. Tokman |
Photosynthetic productivity of sugar beet of different biological forms |
L.M. Karpuk |
The grain quality of winter wheat varieties of different ecological and geographical originination |
O.H. Sukhomud, V.V. Liubych, V.V. Voziyan |
The efficiency technologies for growing winter wheat in North-eastern steppe of Ukraine |
T.O. Onychko, V.І. Trotsenko |
Effect of biological characteristics of variety on the inoculation efficiency of pea seeds |
S.I. Berdin, V.I. Onychko, O.M. Murach |
Ecological study of corn hybrids in the conditions of North-eastern Forest-steppe of Ukraine |
М.A. Shtukin, V.I. Onychko |
Comparative efficiency of winter wheat varieties in the conditions of the Chernigiv region |
G.A. Davidenko |
State and prospects of oilseed production in the world and in Ukraine |
A.A. Podgaеtskіy |
Characteristics of seed germination of different winter wheat varieties under moisture deficit in the soil |
Yu.I. Podust |
Sex traits detection in inbred hemp lines depending on sex structure of initial forms |
S.V. Mishchenko |
Features of grain ripening in different biotype varieties of spring barley |
O.A. Dubovik, N.G. Sobko, V.V. Dubovik |
Results of selection for increasing adaptability universal wheat soft winter under Eastern Forest-steppe Ukraine |
А.F. Zvyagin |
The formation and development of new high-grade resources of flax in the north east of Ukraine |
N.N. Kandyba, L.M. Krivosheeva, L.M. Romaschenko |
A variety as a factor of resistant formation of winter rye agrocenoses |
T.M. Tymoshchuk, O.V. Chaika, V.V. Nychyporuk, O.S. Oryshchuk, O.O. Nychyporuk |
The breeding of buckwheat: results and perspectives |
V.M. Kabanets, N.P. Bondarenko, I.N. Straholys |
The possibility of allocation of first class form among progeny of interspecific hybrids of potato |
A.A. Podgaеtskiy, S.M. Horbas` |
Flowering and berry-producing from self-pollination of interspecific potato hybrids |
A.A.Podgaеtskiy, A.V.Ostapenko, V.V.Gordіenko |
Intensive productivity formation of potato varieties of sumy breeding |
N.S. Kozhushko, P.V. Savchenko |
plasticity and stability of modern varieties and hybrids of spring rape in the Left-bank Forest-steppe Ukraine |
S. M. Kalenskaya, A. V. Melnyk, A. G. Polezhay |
Use of contrast crop stands in inter-varieties crossings of sunflower |
V.І. Trotsenko, V.V. Kirichenko |
Effect of biologization of fertilizer on dynamics of nutrients content in the dark graypodzolic soil and sugar beet |
O.V. Shevchuk |
Ecological microzones of fruit growing in Sumy region |
V.V. Filyev |