Series of Veterinary medicine, 2013, Vol. 9 (33) (en)

Use curative complex ”PARKES” at sharp hepatic insufficiency for dogs
Bobritskaya O. N., Ugai K. D.
Prediction of development the lesion of nervous system in dogs based on assessing the level of sensitization to retina`s antigens
Broshkov M.
Hematuria in cattle
Abdullayev M.Q.
Lipid peroxidation and activity of antioxidant defense system in suckling piglets under the influence of drugs Fe
Danchuk О.V., Prystupa T.I., Danchuk V.V., Andriishin Y.T., Dobrovolsky V.A., Chepurna V.A.
Indicators of the sexual cycle of heifers in biotechnology cattle reproduction
Zamaziy А.А.
Forming water-salt phases of milk of cows in different periods of lactation
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Plyuta L.V., Kalashnik A.N.
The dynamics of lipid content in organism of cows in the period of intensive lactation
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Piven S.M.
Provision of cow udder with precursors for the synthesis of the milk components depending on the level of nutrients in diet
Kambur M.D., Zamaziу A.A. Kassich B.Y., Livoshenko E.M., Kalashnik O.M.
The content of serum total protein and its fractions in pigs of different types of higher nervous activity by biological stimuli
Karpovsky V.I., Trokoz A.V.,Trokoz V.О.
Lipid composition of melliferous bees’ tissues at placing apiaries in traditional and organic production conditions
Kovalchuk I.I., Fedoruk R.S., Romaniv L.I.
Physiological parameters of blood phenols content in tissue of rabbits during drinking of suspension of chlorella, sulfate sodium, chloride and citrate chromium
Lesуk Ya.V., Fedoruk R.S., Hrabko M.I.
The role of platelet hemostasis during pregnancy of cows
Zamazy A.A, Lisovenko V.M.
Іnfluence of vitamin C on hematological parameters in the blood of turkeys
Kambur M.D., Zamaziy A.A., Livoschenko E.M., Livoschenko L.P.
Quantitative and qualitative content of rumen flora in calves and its synthetics properties under the influence of sulfur contating amino acids
Nischemenko N.P., Samoray N.N., Poroshiska O.A., Stovbecka L.S., Riabchuk A.I.
The influence of complex liposomal preparation is on haematological profile of blood of the weaning piglets
Ohorodnyk N. Z.
Submicrostructure lymphatic capillaries of domestic swine’s colon
Petrovsky A. E.
Formation of the modern inveronmentally students in context teaching “Phisiology of farm animals”
Stepchenko L.M., Kambur M.D., Karpovskiy V.I., Trokoz V.O.
Leykohramy blood analysis period piglets weaned at inclusion in the diet of probiotics
Stoyanovsky V.G., Kamratska O.I., Kolomyjec I.A., Matsyuk A.I., Sokolov V.N.
Changes in the levels of steroid hormones in relation to the phase of the estrous cycle in domestic cats different age groups and breeds
Shcherbakova I.V., Smolaninov B.V.
The functional state of sows in the first phase of the gestationon biochemical blood parameters for the impact of biologically active feed additive "Humilid"
Stepchenko L.M., Shvetsova O.M.
E-selen influence on the activity of glutathione system of antioxidant defense of organism of bulls at cadmium loading
Hutiy B.V.
Florikol subchronic toxicity in rats when administered intramuscularly
Muzyka V.P.
Study of the presence of residual pesticides in bees and bee brood in the apiaries of the Odessa area
Skrypka G.A.
Prevention of stress in pigs and improving their performance under the influence of herbal remedies
Antonenko P.P., Semenov A.V., Suslov N.I., Halak V.I.
Immunoprophylaxis of respiratory diseases of pigs
Lototsky О.S, Dvorskа J.E.
Distribution of carp micsoboliosis in Sumy region
Petrov R.V.
Determination of the degree of contamination of surface skin freshwater fish depending on the methods of its catch
Petrov R.V., Nazarenko S.M.
Structural-functional features of adaptogenesis of the immune system of piglets intestine due to the technological stress
Stoyanovskyj V.G., Kolomiyets I.A., Kamratska О.I.
Investigation of effect of Bi-DezТМ disinfectant in pigs and to the microclimate
Shkromada O.I.
Alternative veterinary-sanitary measures in the production of environmentally friendly products of poultry
Fotin A.I, Koval G.І.
Features of the veterinary –sanitary measures in poultry farms
Nagorna L.V., Fotin A.V.
Amoksan - 150 drug use for the treatment of gastroenteritis in piglets after weaning
Grischuk A.V.
Globulin blood fractions of chickens immunized with vaccines against respiratory mycoplasmosis of poultry
Obukhovskа O.V., Rudenko A.P., Matyusha L.V., Popova O.M.
Respiratory mycoplasmosis at birds in poultry farms of Apsheron
Agayev A.
Use of "Avesstym" to increase resistance of chickens in the production environment
Berezovsky A.V., Fotina G.A., Olefir O.M.
Correlation analysis of diagnostic indicators of Mongol horse’s malleus
Badmaeva O.V., Nehurov L.B., Korovenkov A.I.
Study of the acute oral toxicity of the drug "Teylersan"
Berezovsky A., Nagornaya L., Mo'minov A., Mahmoudov S.
Development of method of decline of microbal contamination of carcasses of poultry on the stage of processing
Fotina T. I., Каsjanenko О.I., SobinaM. M., GladchenkoS. M.
The chicken humoral immune responce against vaccine newcastle disease virus
Garkava V.V., Garagulya G.I., Akhteeva A.E.
Monitoring of food borne diseases in the European Union in 2011
Dvorska Y.E.
Subjects, tools and methods used against dairy cows infertility in Odessa region
 Kassich V., Volosyanko E., Humenniy O., Rebenko G.
Study of the effects of E.coli anatoxin on animals in the laboratory
Kovalenko L.M, Kovalenko A.I., Kovalenko A.A.
Optimal conditions of isolation cnd cultivation of fraction adhesion of mononuclear bone marrow cells of mouse
Mazurkievich A.I., Kladnytska L.V., Kolpak V.V.
Encephalitozoonosis in rabbits: some biochemical blood indices
Hesting of drugs during mixed infestations of birds
Mammadova S.A.
Development of a method predicting the incidence of cows on subclinical mastitis
Kasyanchuk V.V., Berhilevych O.M., Marchenko A.M., Sklar A.І.
Pathomorphological changes in the liver for ulcers tongue in cattle
Lokes P.I., SkripkaM.V., Kanivets N.S.
Effective use of the drug to accustom dinolitik boars to cage the scarecrow
Baban A.А.
Distribution and causes of serous and serous-catarrhal mastitis in puerperal period in sows and their treatment
Borodynia V. I., Fedorov T. V.
Biochemical indexes of blood at surgical treatment of cats mammary tumors
Vygovska K.L.
The diagnostical meaning of investigation of mucous membrana epithelium from different section of cows
Moseychuk I.V., Kalinovskiy G.M.
Results of diagnostics tumours of dogs in Sumy city
Zon G., Ivanovskaya L., Dobya M.
Morphological changes during polycystic kidney disease of kittens aged 1.5 months
Skrypka M.V., Harkava V.V., Samchenko I.М., Hutz О.V.
Using lymphocyte and DNA MHC system for the detection of cows resistant to mastitis
Suprovich T.M.
Chemotherapeutic agents market - as an important factor in the system of protection from sheep endoparasitosys
Rustamov S.I.