Content |
Investment security of Ukraine during the period of EU integration processes |
Zatonatskaya T. |
Current trends and innovative mechanisms of science and education in domestic and foreign practice |
Kryvenko L., Vasil’ev A. |
Development of property relations for the formation of balanced functioning the inegrated land and property complex |
Mishenin Ye. V., Yarova I. Ye. |
Current status and problems of food security Ukraine |
Hryshova I., Kryukova I. |
Integration processes in the agricultural sphere |
Burak A. |
Рurpose of budgetary support to the agricultural sector of Ukraine Food Security |
Radchenko O.D. |
Conceptual framework for formation of organizational and economic mechanism of increasing the competitiveness processing enterprises in the conditions of globalization |
Khvorost T.V. |
Institutional factors regulatory policy in the labor market |
Safonov V. V. |
The features of a modern agricultural units |
Tereshchenko S. |
Аssess the potential of solid biomass agriculture Ukraine |
Fedorchuk E.M. |
Current situation and evaluation of Ukraine’s grain market |
Zaharchenko O. |
Guidelines and mechanisms for improving the management of a vertically integrated agri-sphere structure |
Nicenko V. |
Improving the efficiency of crop in a globalizing |
Svynarenko V., Strochenko N. |
International experience of state support of production of organic goods |
Maslak O.M. |
State and prospects of the development of crop growing branch of plant growing in the world and in Ukraine |
Feduniak І. |
Reproduction of livestock, as the major element of the production of milk in Ukraine |
Butylo R.I. |
Reserves increase efficiency of milk specialized farms |
Kobylkin O.M., Kobylkina S.V. |
Financing instruments of agribusiness agents |
Kutsenko I.V. |
Increasing the productivity in agriculture |
Sheludko L., Sheludko R. |
Status and trends of pig production in Ukraine |
Polyah V.M. |
Forming components of market infrastructure to increase the efficiency branch meat and dairy cattle |
Lozynska I. |
Optimization of intensity of crop production as a factor in increasing the efficiency of intensification |
Oleinik I.O. |
Agricultural service cooperatives as organizational-economic funds improving technical equipment of the AIC |
Samoilyk Y.V. |
Economic efficiency of green farming activity (on example of KP «Zelenstroy» Sumy city board) |
Vavulyn A.I. |
Features payment and promotion work in farms |
Dovzhyk O.O. |
Improving production planning using production function Cobb-Douglas |
Dolgikh Y., Kostovski A. |
The essence of the concept of "fixed assets" as an economic category |
Zhurbenko N.M. |
Improving logistics of agricultural enterprises |
Kolos Z. V. |
Basic approaches and processes to the formation of personnel management machinery enterprises |
Koval V.V. |
Features of forming of competitive edges are in system of competition relations of enterprises of food industry |
Mytyay O. |
Genesis theoretical views on the nature of competition |
Bogomolovа K.S. |
The factors of intensify agricultural enterprise innovation |
Dubovyk S., Radko A. |
Justification of the methodological approach funding to the target program in the system of improvement of innovation activity on agricultural enterprises |
Kharchenko T.O. |
Strategic directions of offshore areas: national and global financial and economic interests |
Мишенина Н.В., Мишенина Г.А., Туренко Ю.О. |
An investment ensure of development of agricultural enterprises with different specialization in production |
Kalashnikov A.O. |
Clusters as a factor of innovation |
Hryvko S.D. |
Investment attractiveness and valuation: theoretical and methodological aspects |
Kovtun O. V. |
Conceptual issues of cost accounting financial and economic activities of budgetary institutions |
Morozyuk N. |
Modeling payroll for example dairy company |
Shalevskа O.Y., Zarutsky I.D., Ilyinа O.Y. |
Forming and reflection of doubtful debts reserve in accounting |
Znamerovskaya T.N. |
Theoretical foundations of wage formation and its main function in the mechanism of implementation |
Zagorska Ya.V. |
Improving motivation and remuneration in livestock |
Ponomareva M. |
Mechanism effective development of the poultry farming on the basis of ecologization |
Hlazun V. |
Preparing students for family life as a guarantee of adoption institute of family |
Zabolotna T. |
Socio-economic aspects sustainable land use in agriculture |
Nyesvyetova S. |
Effectivity of mechanisms of agricultural production ecologization: modern perspective |
Novikova O. |
Diversification of agricultural production: development of partnership villages and towns |
Pelikh V. |
The role of agricultural holdings in the socio-economic development strategies in rural areas |
Samoilenko T. |
The role of public-private partnership in the creation of conservation zero waste society of XXI century |
Kryvenko S. |