Серія Економіка і менеджмент, 2015, Вип. 5 (64) (en)

Slavkova O., Zaburanna L.
Modern problems and trends in the world energy
Pabat A. A.
Conceptual bases of technological management development of industrial enterprises in non deterministic economic environment
Панухник Я. Г.
Features typology of forecasts of development of the region taking into account the different approaches
Stoyanez N.V.
Scientific approaches to understanding the concept of the sustainable development and ways of its application in the planning of urban development
 Goptsiy D.O.
Style and methods of operational management in restructuring the agrarian sphere of economy
Natalia V. Pisarev
The main problems of the grain market, and methods to improve the efficiency of its production
Lishenko M.A.
Financial state and development of large product agricultural enterprises
Kits M.V.
Analysis of operation sugar beet subcomplex Ukraine
Babenko A.G.
Current trends and functioning problems of the horticulture
Barabash L.O.
Ecological and economic aspects of the organic crop rotation with corn efficiency in terms of plant growing models Polissya
Khalep Yu.M., Khristenko O.I.
Organizational-Economic mechanism of Agricultural Enterprises Sales Activity Formation and Functioning
Krasnorutskiy A.A. Azizov A.R.
Marketing research of auto market
Peresadko G., Pidlisna О.
Tools ahrokonsaltynhovyh marketing services and advisory structures
Yakunicheva A.
Audience reception of mass media advertising as a form of marketing communication
Jaska E.
Assessment of logistic potential in the strategic management of region development
Koblianska I., Mishchenko О., Vialkov А.
Theoretical Foundations of brand
Bliumska-Danko K., Prokopenko C.G.
Logistical approach to the costs management in the production system of the enterprise: stratigical directions
Mishenina N.V., Turenko Yu. O.
Tariff policy in the residential sector of Ukraine
Huz M., Bondarenko K.
Genesis of institute exchange and role in it of agricultural trade: technological, organizationally-managerial and functional aspect
Ulko Y.M.
The nature and estimation of financial condition activities of enterprises
Morozyuk N.S., Holubkov E.V., Hubko V.I.
Features of accounting doubtful and loss receivables
Kadatskaya A.N.
The financial and environmental security in the regional system of environmental management
Mikhailovа L. I., Sokolenko L. F.
Land resources as a basis for the development of agricultural production
Mykhaylov A.M.
Features of payroll on farms
Galician A.M., Kozhemyakin V.G., Domuschy A.O.
Efficiency scores of the production and sale of grain and leguminous crops agricultural enterprises of Ukraine by DEA method
Dolgikh Y.
Theoretical and methodological approaches economic development enterprise
Talavyria A.
History of the formation and system backs
Vashenko V.
Company accounting and analysis of current assets agro-food processing plants areas
Shvets А.
Features of formation of intellectual property market in agricultural sector of Ukraine
Kurylo L.
World experience of organizational and economic features of the establishment and development of new forms of innovation
Boiko O.M.
Necessity and advantages of forming of innovation clusters in the agricultural sector
Hotra V.
Investment attractiveness of enterprises
Gronska M.
Investment process in the agricultural sector of Ukraine: problems and prospects of modernity
Koval L.
Foreign trade ofagri-foodproductsbetween Ukraine and EU in conditions of international integration
Кryvenko N.V.
Economic cooperation of Ukraine in the context of GUAM CIS and EU DCFTA
Nicenko V.S., Kobylyanska A.V.
State and prospects the demographic situation in Kyiv oblast
Drebot O.І.
Ecological-economic efficiency and investment attractiveness land use in agriculture
Riy I.
Environmental security as an integral part of lyayuschey-sustainable development of Ukraine
Korol V.S., Stefinin V.V.
Important aspects of calculation and maintenance of a unified social tax
Nazarenko O.V., Storozhuk O.V.
Economic and social determinants of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises
Krzyzanowska K.
Investment support improvement of natural resources in agricultural productions
Samoshkina I.D.
Organzational model of the formation and functioning of residential constructional cooperative
Lytvyn O.Y.
Features of land lease agreements
Mokienko T. V.
Environmental and economic strategy of the development of region on the base of formation of the integrated business-entrepreneurial structures
Yarova I.Ye.
Methodical aspects of estimation of productivity of placement and use of financial streams of the enterprise
Kryukova I.A.
Methodical aspects of estimation of productivity of placement and use of financial streams of the enterprise
Nesterenko S. A.
Innovation management tools and investment activity agricultural enterprises
Valetenko V.V.
Vertical integration as a means of overcoming the information asymmetry
Lapin A.
Using the tools of strategic management for the diagnosis of the economic potential of agricultural enterprises
Plotnitska S.